Iminhere3000 [none/use name]

  • 41 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Iminhere3000 [none/use name]tohistoryJFK doco recommendations?
    3 years ago

    I rec this all the time but it is a really good deep dive into Kennedy's presidency/political career (rich kid, centrist liberal, who wasn't even in support of the civil rights act at first >> bay of pigs causing him to question the cold war, the CIA etc) and the assassination. Dieugenio's book is also the basis for Oliver Stone's new JFK doc, which has so far had issues finding a distributor.

  • Iminhere3000 [none/use name]
    topoliticsVaccine passports? Yea or nay?
    3 years ago

    Restricted travel is a big one, restricted access to govt programs/assistance. A required medical passport to exist in society has a lot of dystopian possibilities considering who would be running this. To assume that this would be used to "only know two things" seems very trusting of the corporate/tech/capitalist ruling class which has proven itself totally untrustworthy in matters of surveillance, privacy etc. Can definitely imagine the medical passport system being used for pretty crazy/dark purposes in the future. But again, everyone else on the left seems cool with it, so maybe I'm just a paranoid Luddite who lives in the woods (I am).

    But hopefully yr right and it won't happen

  • Iminhere3000 [none/use name]
    topoliticsVaccine passports? Yea or nay?
    3 years ago

    "very slight" is a big assumption. And like I said, the blank check aspect of how this could by used (by the absolute worst people/entities on the planet) is worrisome, to say the least. I'm pretty sure google and other tech giants would play a substantial role in a project like this, btw. All the data has got to be analyzed and stored somewhere, right?

    Maybe I'm just too paranoid, but the way that libs and lefties are fully embracing an expansion of the surveillance state, makes me think that some serious propoganda magic has been carried out to great effect.

  • Iminhere3000 [none/use name]
    topoliticsVaccine passports? Yea or nay?
    3 years ago

    Seems like it matters if it is a further intensification of the capitalist surveillance state. It is a continuation down the same path we've been on for a while though, yr right.

    Part of it too, is that agreement with this feels like a blank check, you know? As far as I can tell it's not going to be like other shots where you get them as a baby and then a couple more before high school. Biden admin is talking boosters every five months. For how long? Handing over a substantial amount of freedom to these psychos for the foreseeable future seems obviously fucked up. Also, getting a lot of war on terror vibes from this, ie "be very afraid, give us more power, and trust us"

  • That's not even true. A lot of these people (got some in my family and I used to work a job where I crossed paths with a bunch) have totally insane politics where they hate the government and are super paranoid but also love cops and the military. Their politics make zero sense. If anything it's worth talking to these people because they've become distrustful of the govt/corporations but have no way to really put a bigger picture together.

    Or we can just laugh at them when they die I guess

  • Iminhere3000 [none/use name]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Fun fact, our good buddy Jolyon "Jolly" West pops up in the Sirhan story. Oh what do you know? guess it was just a coincidence that he also did some work on Manson, jack ruby and David koresh.

    Also, if I remember correctly Sirhan had large blocks of missing time (2 weeks I think) before the assassination, that are just blank in his memory hmmm