Get ready for countries like the US to "take on the responsibility" of altering the world's climate and fucking it even further.

How anyone can think that our world will not severely fuck "geoengineering" the planet is insane.

    • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
      4 years ago

      i tried searching and all I found that was anything close to an effortpost was this comment from banned user joshieecs:

      "I used to really enjoy their videos, but early last year they decided to take down two of they most-watched and best videos for totally bullshit reasons. They thought it was too “political” because they extrapolated into criticisms of capitalism. They explained it in a “Can You Trust Kurzgesagt Videos?” and my takeaway was a resounding NO, not anymore.

      One of the videos they took down was “Addiction”, which emphasized research that mice almost completely lost interesting in chugging down as much cocaine and opium water as they could get their paws on when they had a fun mouse playground other mice to play with. A little too close to some theory of alienation as a driving factor of social ills or even disease models. Couldn’t have that!

      The other was an extremely tepid “refugees are actual human beings” take. European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained. Nope, too political. Their videos have all been dogshit every since then. Though it could just be my bias because it kinda pissed me off. I used to even have notifications turned on for when a new video dropped. Now I am not even subbed to the channel."

      If somebody has a link to this effortpost about this Kurzgesagt whatever channel, drop a link

      • emizeko [they/them]
        4 years ago

        damn joshieecs got banned from here? huh, surprised

        and I remember that addiction video, it's why I thought Kurzgesagt were good for a while

      • CatherineTheSoSo [any]
        4 years ago

        research that mice almost completely lost interesting in chugging down as much cocaine and opium water as they could get their paws on when they had a fun mouse playground other mice to play with.

        I might be remembering wrong but I think this research has not been replicated.

      • Ewball_Oust [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        One of their earliest videos was a bullshit neoclassical analysis of banking, if I remember right.

          • s_p_l_o_d_e [they/them,he/him]
            4 years ago

            It's been a while since I watched their videos, but I seem to recall a greater emphasis on using technology to solve our problems (like climate change or running out of fossil fuels, something about dyson spheres at one point), rather than considering the idea that technological progress might be to blame and should be scaled back.

            That and also not making any clear statements about the irresponsibility of corporations.

            • Whodonedidit [he/him,comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              Yeah I can see that. Its clear they're rooted in a liberal mindset. I try and divorce that from the info theyre bringing even if its a bit silly. Like the concept of Dyson spheres is interesting if not really possible or feasible, it was a big subject in scifi for awhile (guilty pleasure of mine). Or perhaps its something achievable in a post-scarcity Star Trek like civ where the social ills are already addressed.

              But yes, there's a clear lack of pointing fingers at the root causes and more fixing problems within the existing system (not the best idea).

              I like there videos on ants tho. Pretty neat.