What basic necessity of modern civilization will they fuck up or straight up forget this time? In New Hampshire it was garbage collection, in Chile it was basic sewage sanitation. I hope it’s something new and funny
"Not building structures out of smelting slag just because it's the most economic material"
Guys, I'm from the future and I have a video of their first town hall. Who wants to Lathe this into existence with me?
I would love it if a sensible city would be planed, but I doubt that this is what will happen.
There will be no public transport and everyone will be forced to drive Teslas on autopilot
Has some information about percentages for settlement areas, traffic areas and vegetation including rivers for Berlin.
With the given numbers of acres and using Berlin numbers they could create up to 180k plots of potential spaces. With 3-7million population and medium high rise (~4 floors) and that includes parks, public transport, regular transport and quite a bit of vegetation as well as ways to and from the city.
Though of course this doesn't include any change in material conditions but only the ownership of the land which was already there. The 800 million were paid for the rights within the social relations to do all that, but the actual labour and the infrastructure costs are something that they likely won't bear.
This of course means this project could have many reasons, but a part of them will be speculative. However I lean with the others who expect this to not work out or end up in scams.
Berliners love to hate their public transportation, and its infrastructure is kinda crap compared to places like Amsterdam or Copenhagen (it helps that the Netherlands and Denmark both do not have a car industry i guess), but i can 100% guarantee that AnCapopolis will have nothing even remotely comparable to Berlin's subway and train system or its density of parks, but will instead feature 10 times as many parking lots as Berlin. Like every Amnerikan pipe dream city it's in the middle of a fucking desert so there will be no rivers either and let's not even get started on how much the clubs and bars and restaurants there will suck compared to Berlin, or how atrociously low their numbers of hot transbians will be.
We already know how this will turn out: Half of the city is going to get bogged down in never ending lawsuits from fucking eachother over, and the other half is going to get eaten by bears.
the other half is going to get eaten by bears.
Hexbears start prepping the BBQ sauce and slowcookers.
To have bears overrun your city, you first have to have a city. This is gonna turn out like Próspera, where there's more work put into the website than the brick and mortar.
Remember when they were baselessly claiming that the Chinese government was behind this to spy on Travis Air Force Base? Wonder if those “journalists” will face any consequences for their rabid racism
The fact that journos can make up things about govenments run by non white people with absolute impunity is racist. The fact that you're defending it, is not a good look. At best its unintentional rascism apologia
oh oh, say the line about hating the Chinese government but not its people (😉) next
you shouldn't which makes it weird that you immediately came to the defense of so-called journalists who engage in Yellow Peril mudslinging
Who do you think makes up the Chinese government? There are like 100 million members of the communist party and the national level government has over 90% approval from the Chinese people.
So you think the folks at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, the source for that 90% figure, just took the word of the government? You think they people they surveyed are all brainwashed?
But in reality... What? Are you gonna use anecdotal evidence to support your claim?
"We don't hate all Jews, we're just very concerned about the Elders of Zion and their Secret Protocols."
Yeah. Theyre only worried about those dirty oeientalist removed government. Thats why we dont wanr any dirty orienralist removed in positiona of power
night city is supposed to be san francisco right? That means this place is probably the dump outside night city
Nah Night City is literally a private city by the bay area but not actually San Fran or anything
On the upside the founder of Night City got got so let's hope the same holds true for these fucks.
apparently it's a renamed Morro Bay, in the Cyberpunk universe there was a big massacre there and it became a no-go zone, then this guy Night comes in and buys it to make a city
After several years in the reddit wastelands, I had to double check that this joke was as good as I imagined it. Fuck me sideways with an axe, dude.
I listened to an interview with andreesen once, and that dude is dumb as fucking rocks. I understand how llms work better than this dude
I have no idea who that is. Andreesen mainly exudes boomer energy
alt right
I stopped using that term about a week after Charlottesville. I started to call everybody on the right-wing - right-wingers except those rare times I use "conservative" because that's the term the US media insists on even though it's ridiculous to call fascists conservative.
Ah, I see.
Kinda, he's an "I'm making the world a better place" guy peppered with "I was a coder 30 years ago" confidence. Guy also has e/acc in his twitter bio, which I hope makes everyone finally convinced that x/acc is deeply uncool
Had to look it up too. Looks like it's some LessWrong nonsense, and he calls himself an "effective accelerationist".
15,000 per acre sounds unusually cheap, especially for California. That's about $10 million per square mile.