It was all about how special and honorable the media was and then donald trump showed up and called them all losers, revealing that nobody really cared about them

  • captchaintherye [any]
    4 years ago

    What I never understood about that clip, is that, even though I agree it's insufferable garbage, it seems like something that would normally be anathema to libs. Hillary Clinton ran on "America is Already Great" as like a lame-ass F.U. to MAGA. Biden is pretty much doing the same thing (everything about America is great except the things Trump fucked up).

    How were libs then suddenly on board with "yeaaaah, America kind of fucking sucks at everything"?

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It was more of a product of the disappointment in the middle of Obama's first term.

      When that show came out, the Ron Paul craze was in full swing (there is a line somewhere in the show of a character just shitting all over people who were into Ron Paul's movement) and it was also around the growth of the Tea Party. Occupy Wall Street also happened around this time too and ties into it. There was some serious anti-government sentiment growing in the US culturally at the time and it forced libs to admit that America really wasn't all that great anymore, and who did they blame for it? Millenials for turning to the Occupy movement and being angry at the status quo.

      Obama's first two years were wasted on him bailing out Wall St, banks and kicking off the housing crisis in the midst of the recession. The Dems wasted all their time reaching across the aisles with the GOP who flat out bullied them and this set the stage for the Tea Party's huge wins in 2010 midterms.

      It's forgotten in time now, but Obama's first term was not really all that great as he is mythologized today (his entire presidency sucked, but his first term was different from the second for these reasons). His 2008 campaign was centered around this slogan of "yes we can" and you had the HOPE and CHANGE posters. The first thing he did was turn his back on the progressive grassroots campaigners that got him there to begin with and the disappointment was felt pretty early on when he bailed out Wall St and basically became the banks' repo man when the housing crisis kicked off.

      In that famous clip from the show, the guy giving the speech about how America isn't great anymore, words it around how the current young generation is some how at fault, and there was another clip of him going off ranting about millenials. Conservatives took this torch later on after Trump was elected, but it was liberals banging the drum in 2009-2012 about how young people were lazy and were more concerned about protesting than actually getting jobs and doing something with their lives. This whole deal with liberals frowning and mocking protesters goes back to the Obama years, they didn't start plucking their nose at protesters recently.