get your fucking head on straight

  • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]
    4 years ago

    You're a fucking liberal if you think the majority of people who think Trump being re-elected would be better are doing it to "own the libs". (Their tears would be an incidental bonus as let's admit it, there are a lot of ghoulish people who would cry but won't shed a tear for Syrians or Libyans)

    And that's what this post is about, it's about you (a western leftist gags) and probably a good number of the people who upvoted this thinking they're "owning" a real group of people instead of a phantom of their imagination they made up in the midst of their liberal ideology, mis-portraying theory-read communists who have arrived at a particular conclusion regarding relative harm reduction benefits of the two candidates (and a preference for who wins but not who they vote for). This straw-manning far from revealing something insightful about those favoring a Trump win, offers insight to your flawed thought process. Maybe you've just bought into the memes a bit too much, in which case I urge you to take them with a bit of salt. But if not, I'm afraid your thought process is all messed up.

    Riddle me this. If Trump is so much better for American empire then why are so many imperialists of the highest order lining up behind Biden? Hmm? Why is John Bolton ridin with Biden? Why are all these former intel officials (awful war criminals and imperialists who've spent their lives committing heinous crimes against the world) sobbing about how Trump "doesn't love America" or is under some influence of a foreign power? The answer is simple of course. Of course he's an imperialist. Of course he's a murderous thug. You cannot be president of the imperialist core super power and not be an imperialist. But he is an ineffective one. He has this big brain of his, and he thinks he's this cool business guy who wants to do deals and he has this nationalist thought process that wars make America weak. And he has this internalized propaganda, he accepts fully the idea that communists like Kim are powerful dictators and he thinks that notion is cool as fuck because he lusts after that kind of power ideal and he thinks he's that type of man and that he can reason with them, dictator to dictator and get something out of it. And the people he has appointed to many roles are not that most competent, he's appointed ideological losers who more than past appointees have these glasses of propaganda on them and cannot act effectively because they're bought the empire's own lies.

    Let's look at the scoreboard. Under Obama, with Hillary as secretary of state and Biden as VP, we have the Syria civil war, we have the toppling of Libya where there are now slave markets, we have the pivot to contain China, we have the setting up of camps that have now been used for children and families on the southern US border. And much more. And we have record approval of the US, we have no reporting outside of marginal publications of US atrocities at the southern border or abroad. Liberals react with rage to anyone who says Obama is being cruel.

    Now remember that Biden was Obama's pick to satisfy people concerned he would be too radical, he was the conservative, to Obama's right, Democrat. The harassed Anita Hill Democrat. The racist Democrat whose championed crime bill killed hundreds if not thousands of black men and incarcerated tens of thousands.

    Under Trump we have only the continuation of Obama's policies and wars. Yes he's more brutal with drones strikes but they were already brutal and don't pretend Biden is going to roll back cruelty. We have a failed coup in Venezuela, not only a failed one but a laughable one that made the coup plotters the laughing stock of the world and showed that the Venezuelan people support their government. We have a currently failing coup in Bolivia. We had the failed Iranian oil tanker incident (with Japanese owned tankers) that attempted to blame Iran but was rapidly debunked and became an embarrassment for the admin, we have Trump attempting to pull troops out of Afghanistan. We have Trump backing off from war with Iran after the tanker incident and drone shoot-down. We have Trump failing to muster alliances. We have the US about to leave (if Trump is re-elected) several international orgs, to leave its veto and power and just walk away from them harming American soft power. We have the global disgust with Trump who is a crude, rude imperialist unlike Biden. Remember how quickly Obama magicked away all the ill will from Bush? Same thing gonna happen fam.

    I think Biden's brain is pudding. But I also think he will entirely defer his foreign policy and imperialism to his cabinet and the intelligence state, he'll appoint career war criminals to run the thing and nod approvingly at it. Oh I'm not saying he'll go to war with Iran (although the possibility exists as he is more hawkish than Obama and slurps on Israel's toes), I'm just saying having experienced war criminals around a guy who isn't going to stop them is inherently dangerous to the global proletariat.

    You must be realistic. You live in the imperial core. In a nation steeped in anti-communist propaganda. If you truly care about the 3rd world, the global south. You will wish for America to collapse, for it to suffer indignities, for it's power to wane, for it to make ridiculous missteps, to anger and alienate its allies to allow socialism to flourish elsewhere. Incidentally but not of a deciding factor, those who care about trying to grow the movement in the US must acknowledge that it has grown more in 4 years under Trump than the combined 16 of Obama and Bush. Some of that is naturally a result of changing economic fortunes, of material conditions worsening for people. But a lot of it I believe is in addition to that, the naked ideology being exposed, the feckless nature of the opposition being exposed, the rhetoric growing heated and frantic but the actions remaining calm and business as normal. How many people think Trump's election just a bad fluke? How much worse will they think of their nation or of the US if they're a foreigner if he's re-elected?

    America must be brought low. The question is who is better to do that. If you're a liberal (as I must suspect you are for making a post like this) of course you want America to hobble on, you think ignorantly that you can reform it or that you'll have more success under Biden in building a revolutionary movement. Let me tell you, Democrats hate communists far more than Republicans. They see us as a direct threat to their legitimacy as the party of "left" in America and they are as you can see whipping up a monster of a new red scare that is not going to magically go away.

    • cum_drinker69 [any]
      4 years ago

      This is utterly fucking moronic, and it's all based on the unsupported notion that A) a serious domestic collapse means that the 600 foreign military bases just suddenly disappear overnight, never to be used again, and following that B) you know how a deranged lunatic like Trump is going to respond to a domestic collapse, and that it means definitively that the rest of the world will be left out of this. What is this based on? Daft wishful thinking.

      We really need to stop with this shit acting like we have any fucking remote clue how the next 4 years are going to play out. We have two dementia addled racist imperialists as options who both despise us. The potential outcomes for either candidate are overwhelmingly extremely fucking bad, and anyone doing this fucking stupid routine of "ohh well I know that we need to support Biden because of climate change and covid" as if this asshole has ANY fucking actual plan for either of those much less the desire to actually expend the political capital to do so, or "oh well you see I'M the clever guy in the room who knows that Trump is the right pick because he's bad at imperialism" as if there's not any possibility that this insecure narcissist won't decide in the next four years "everyone's saying I'm bad at war, I'll show them" and then starts raining fucking hell on everyone like every shithead like Eliot Abrams and John Bolton and Mike Pompeo and John Kelly and and a bunch of other known war criminals that HE FUCKING APPOINTED have wanted from the start. You don't have a crystal ball, you just sound like a jackass making these proclamations.

      • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]
        4 years ago

        Ableism and boring liberal notions about Trump being a lunatic do not profit your position.

        and it’s all based on the unsupported notion that A) a serious domestic collapse means that the 600 foreign military bases just suddenly disappear overnight, never to be used again, and following that

        Oh wow imperialism is just having foreign bases, once those go away it's gone, you are so smart, you should have told Lenin that so he wouldn't have to write a long book. sigh liberalism and being upvoted, why am I not surprised. I'm not going to give you a basic class in imperialism and empire because I feel it would be an incredible waste of my time. So I instead urge you to self-educate.

        B) you know how a deranged lunatic like Trump is going to respond to a domestic collapse, and that it means definitively that the rest of the world will be left out of this. What is this based on? Daft wishful thinking.

        Trump is not a lunatic. He's a racist, a reactionary, his brain is not in the best of shape, he's narcissistic, he has an authoritarian personality and so on and so forth. He has acted for the most part rationally within his irrational framework of a worldview. That his worldview is irrational is not really the point as liberalism as a worldview is itself irrational and this can be applied to most American politicians and the mere fact we're facing climate catastrophe. Rational in the sense of self interest and little else.

        Listen here. I never claimed the collapse would come during Trump's term. I tend to doubt it would, I just think is hastens things a little. If you're making that claim then I'm afraid you're the one with unsupported notions. As to the rest of the world being left out of it. So what if they aren't? What's your solution? Reformism? snort Just letting the hostage taker keep the world hostage for another century? Sometimes there are no clean ways to deal with something wrong, doesn't mean you don't need it done. Rip the band-aid off. The fact is America is headed for a bad place. This is not the doing of scheming ML's, this is an inherent result of capitalism and the rot of the empire. All that can happen with Biden or Trump is change the circumstances somewhat. So do you want a collapsing US with lots of alliances intact? Or one that has burned its bridges and driven many allies into a more neutral position because they no longer consider the US reliable and aren't willing to go in on its shenanigans? I'll take the latter.

        What is this based on? Daft wishful thinking.

        You seem to struggle to read. I outlined partially what my thinking is based on which is his behavior, that of his rival, certain contradictions, etc.

        We really need to stop with this shit acting like we have any fucking remote clue how the next 4 years are going to play out.

        Of course we have no idea how they're going to play out but we can make certain somewhat rational assumptions based on past actions, apparent ideology, etc. Did I lay out an exact plan?

        Listen liberal. Deny to me that the US is leaving several UN and international organizations which are scheduled to take place in Trump's second term? Deny it to me. This is a fact. You are hamstrung by your ignorant, foolish, liberal ideology which has infected you with this notion that Trump is completely unpredictable. No one is completely predictable. It's not an argument.

        “oh well you see I’M the clever guy in the room who knows that Trump is the right pick because he’s bad at imperialism”

        He is demonstrably so. You haven't disputed any of my points. Like a petulant child without anything to turn to you throw insults and insinuations of ignorance while not debunking my analysis nor offering any of your own. Go fuck yourself.

        as if there’s not any possibility that this insecure narcissist won’t decide in the next four years “everyone’s saying I’m bad at war, I’ll show them”

        Liberals have said this for 4 fucking years. You can't just say "well it could happen" and count that as a logical debate point to past performance and demonstrated ideological aversion to war, e.g. his making fun of Bolton to his face about wanting to go to war, his statements to the press in interviews before he became a politician. Motherfucker please. Your ignorance is not a weapon nor a shield.

        and then starts raining fucking hell on everyone like every shithead like Eliot Abrams and John Bolton and Mike Pompeo and John Kelly and and a bunch of other known war criminals that HE FUCKING APPOINTED have wanted from the start.

        He made fun of John Bolton to his face over his desires for war with Iran. He fired him. He's hamstrung his war criminals all along. John Kelly is gone as well. Eliot Abrams did nothing for Trump's failed attempts in Venezuela and Bolivia. You lose again, you have no point, no evidence, nothing but emotional investment in ideology.

        You don’t have a crystal ball, you just sound like a jackass making these proclamations.

        What proclamations? You sound like a fucking tool calling reasonable predictions based on past behavior, statements, and so on proclamations. Who's the jackass? The one offering evidence and trying to reach logical conclusions in a situation that anyone knows cannot be predicted with 100% certainty? Or the person going around saying "woe is us we cannot know".

        I don't claim to know. I never have. I just said given past performance and what we know it is reasonable to assume Trump is a bad imperialist and from that we can extrapolate his position relative to Biden.

        Every decision in life is a gamble but we cannot sit here with analysis paralysis biting our fingernails like in a cartoon and nervously repeating how it would be irresponsible to speculate or act.

        Come back another time if you'd ever like to actually address points instead of sputtering like an angry child. Because honestly I don't know where to start with your post, you seem to be failing to grasp so many concepts I take for granted that aren't just Marxist concepts that well I don't want to spend hours here replying to you.

    • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Long post apparently to the wrong person. Good luck finding me saying that Biden is better than Trump or that I want the preservation of the American empire. All over this thread (and elsewhere) I discuss the inevitable collapse and cheer for it in the most straightforward sense.

      Edit: literally in this thread

      The actual decline of “the American brand” and (more importantly) US soft power is about the rise of China, who is demonstrating every day that they have the only sustainable model of any major nation today.

      • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]
        4 years ago

        You admit you voted for Biden you piece of shit. Fuck off you western chauvinist tool. I wasn't going to judge you for your situation with your family but I'm convinced now that I realize you're the one who made that post that in fact this is a way to ease the guilt of your conscious, by being a fucking liberal.