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For once it's not Beatnik who is going to be getting 100s of replies. RIP my inbox

  • Owl [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I've run into some sort of society-wide learned helplessness several times in several contexts, including professionally. Maybe especially professionally. There seems to be some sort of giant personal cliff people need to scale to learn that they can actually do things, of their own volition, without being told to, not picking some options that were presented for them.

    I don't think it's fear of change. I've been all over the place in what it actually is. Societal conditioning from school? The fear that people won't like your choice? The fear you'll do it wrong? The fear that if you start making actual decisions you'll suddenly realize how much of your life was wasted before you started doing it? Probably could be any number of problems, like that proverb about every unhappy family being unhappy in its own unique way.

    • steely_its_a_dildo [any]
      4 years ago

      Most of the advice I have gotten on careers has been, "work as hard as possible (or not) but whatever you do, don't rock the boat." To make change, you have to convince people. I don't think anyone here is confident in their ability to convince someone of something they didn't already believe so the feeling should be familiar.Persuasion is a hard skill to learn and not a lot easier to practice.

      Perhaps Bane's portrayal in the batman movie was the only way they can imagine being able to carry out this type of change. Perhaps they are just shit at persuasion.