• Sasuke [comrade/them]
    10 个月前

    major streaming platforms have threatened food bloggers with potential bans for overeating online

    i 100% support a ban on those mukbang(?) channels or whatever they're called

    • Sasuke [comrade/them]
      10 个月前

      Online food bloggers who binge eat for their viewers’ enjoyment have also been heavily criticized by state-run media. Major video platforms such as Douyin – China’s version of TikTok – have pledged to monitor food-related livestreams and shut down accounts that broadcast binge eating.

      Langweixian, a binge-eating vlogger on Douyin with 40 million followers, had all but six of his 300-plus videos deleted from the platform. Langweixian once ate 10 packets of instant noodles in under nine minutes, according to state media.

      i'll never understand how anyone can watch this stuff

    • facow [he/him, any]
      10 个月前

      My partner really likes watching a mukbanger as like random mindless background videos. I'll never get it, watching anyone eat is gross as hell and mukbangers especially so.

    • Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
      10 个月前

      Good. I enjoy food/cooking/eating content, I love to cook and I am totally down for someone to cook/eat a reasonable meal and provide feedback on it on a stream.

      I do not want to see people eating 600 chicken wings in ten minutes or something though. It's not nutritious, you can't even possibly enjoy the taste at that point anymore and it just encourages really unhealthy habits.

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        10 个月前

        Plus having people be voyeurs to plainly pathological behavior is just not helping anyone

  • jlyws123@lemmygrad.ml
    10 个月前

    傻逼 I understand that they want to go to war with us, but when that day comes, they will not face the fake China they imagined.

    • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
      10 个月前

      Lol it happened with the nazis. The diaries of their leaders at the start of the invasion of the ussr were like "this is the biggest movilization ever! Our victory is inevitable and glorious", 3 weeks later goebbels was like "our intel was completely wrong".

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          10 个月前

          Hitler, pressing the luger to the side of his head

          Record scratch

          "Now, you might wonder how I got here..."

      • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.ml
        10 个月前

        Hitler was malding too, like depressed and pissed off that his generals underestimated the soviet resistance.

          • huf [he/him]
            10 个月前

            apparently the main logistics guys actually calculated how barbarossa would go but then their chief buried the report because everyone around him kept going on about the triumph of will and shit

            and then the invasion went exactly as the logistics guys predicted it would.

            also, gotta love the overall nazi logic of knowing that if they dont win by christmas, they have no path to victory and will lose, and deciding "we'll just win by christmas then! contingency? what's that? we have aryan will!"

        • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
          10 个月前

          It wasn't his generals, Mein Kampf is just hundreds of pages of incoherent racism/anti-semitism + declaring the destiny of Germany to be conquering the weak commie lands and plundering/enslaving them. I believe the paraphrased translation of a quote was that the USSR was a rotten door that would crumble when kicked in. He made the exact same error.

      • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
        10 个月前

        Oh god oh fuck they have railroad logistical networks and new villages in places we hadn't even mapped!

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          10 个月前

          And the railroads are slightly incorrectly sized for our trains, too!

    • Black AOC@lemmygrad.ml
      10 个月前

      I've got this special interest with regard to the amazingly-wide gulf between the perception of how effective the Amerikan military is, and how incompetent they actually are. tl;dr, practically all of our wargame simulations are heavily scripted-- when they don't script how OPFOR "is supposed to act"(direct quote from one of the overseers of MC'02), OPFORs rungs lower on the tech ladder absolutely TPK our shit with low-tech methods. Millennium Challenge '02 is a prime example of the kind of fuckery the Joint Chiefs get up to fudging how effective our troops are.

      • ElHexo [comrade/them]
        10 个月前

        Not to mention the problem with being a global hegemon is that you have to be the best at everything from jungle warfare, force projection across the ocean, European land wars with near-peer capabilities to 'counter insurgency' in the Middle East.

        Every other military has to deal with like four or five regionally based scenarios at most.

    • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
      10 个月前

      Part of me thinks they know as well and they are looking for other ways to either destabilize China or avoid war by turning shit inwards.

      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
        10 个月前

        I imagine they have moments of clarity/more realistic factions, but that's constantly undermined by "USA #1" rah rah bullshit and "those people can't possibly beat us" racism.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    10 个月前

    Meanwhile in Freedomland, school lunches have a shame cheese sandwich for kids that don't pay up or nothing at all.

        • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
          10 个月前

          School officials decided to crack down on parents with unpaid tabs by cutting off kids from the hot lunch line and giving them an alternative lunch -- a cheese sandwich, a fruit or vegetable and milk.

          The school board said the policy has been effective in getting delinquent parents to pay, but many parents are outraged, saying it stigmatizes their kids.

          While I agree this is problematic, it also highlights another problem. A cheese sandwich, banana, and a glass of milk is quite nutritional. If it's anything like my school, where the hot dinner line meant pizza, burgers, and chips, forcing kids to have the option that isn't deep fried isn't terrible. The penal aspect of it is fucked up. Not only does it target poor kids and stigmatise them, it's also going to contribute to eating disorders.

          • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
            10 个月前

            Using peer pressure among children to force the parents to cough up the dough is fucked no matter what

            • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
              10 个月前

              No argument there. I can't imagine how someone can be so twisted with hatred inside that they could run a school and then do this to the children.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            10 个月前

            A cheese sandwich, banana, and a glass of milk is quite nutritional.

            Sometimes the banana and the milk are absent for the poors that don't pay, depending on the school.

            Sometimes the sandwich is absent.

            You're seeing a more generous shame standard being presented there.

          • MarxGuns [comrade/them]
            10 个月前

            A cheese sandwich is a perfect "i want something quick and i feel like doing literally no work" when you're putting together your brown bag lunch.

  • Utter_Karate [he/him, comrade/them]
    10 个月前

    I must be the most authoritarian person in the world. At the school where I work I was part of overruling a vote by the junior student council (aged 6-9) to serve sushi as a school lunch simply because it was:

    1. Expensive (Requires unique ingredients that are not offered in bulk by any of the contractors delivering to the school)
    2. Impossible (Requires an impossible amount of work from each kitchen staff member for a single serving for each student)
    3. Poisonous (The fish we can get is decidedly not sushi grade and downright dangerous to eat raw)
    4. Illegal (Related to point 3, serving fish that is not thoroughly cooked would be an actual crime) and
    5. Insane (If you like sushi, can you imagine the disgusting mockery that would be a school lunch version made by three people for 800 students in 2 hours?)

    Still, if a toothless but well meaning food waste campaign is the hallmark of authoritarianism, I was actually part of a small group of people with authority (in this case teachers) that straight up invalidated a democratic vote. I am authoritarian China, but even worse.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      10 个月前

      Denying children the freedom to get intestinal parasites is just such a typical red fash tankie move.

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      10 个月前

      Poisonous (The fish we can get is decidedly not sushi grade and downright dangerous to eat raw)

      only some types of sushi is raw mostly it's cooked fish the rest are all valid poits

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        10 个月前

        In Japan the cooked variety is called 炙り寿司. While it's pretty common, I'd still say that raw fish and shellfish is still much more common. As far as I know aburizushi in Japan is made from the same fish that the restaurant would serve raw and its a taste preference rather than a safety issue.

    • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
      10 个月前

      Does sushi even have all the required nutrients to be served as a lunch for children? I’m not against sushi at all, I just don’t really see it as a full lunch/meal…

      • Utter_Karate [he/him, comrade/them]
        10 个月前

        Most likely not. To be honest the potential poisoning of all the children and us being criminally liable for that was kind of a deal breaker for us, so we did not really get into the nutrients.

      • Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
        10 个月前

        Definitely not; we don't eat it that often even in Japan. While yes we have fast food variants of sushi that are readily available; it's overall more of a special dinner/occasion type food. I probably eat sushi once every couple months.

        The only thing I could see being included in a lunch is something like inari-zushi, my office serves that as a side dish lunch a lot (which would get around the food safety concerns). We have chiraishi zushi at the office specifically on Girl's Day, because it is a holiday thing.

        An elementary school might have something similar on holidays, but generally the school menus are planned by a nutritionist on staff that does a pretty good job. It gets tricky for kids with special diets, which are often not well accomodated, and there is a weird obsession with milk despite the prevalance of lactose intoelrance.

        EDIT: We have a massive food waste problem too, so we are no better in that regard, but at least our school lunches are pretty good.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    10 个月前

    Never before has any state, much less the state of the Chinese Communist Party, been so bold as to control the agricultural sector.

      • QueerCommie@lemmygrad.ml
        10 个月前

        No, it wasn’t the worst famine in history, and Mao didn’t personally cause it. China had horrible famines every few years for Millennia, the fact that it happened once under socialism can’t be attributed to socialism. China hasn’t had any famine since, so historically Socialism has done a lot to end famine.

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
          10 个月前

          Imagine a machine that routinely breaks down. You take over maintenance for it, it breaks once more, then under your care never again. The story is that you finally fixed the machine, not that it broke down for the 100th time at the start of your tenure.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          10 个月前

          To reinforce your point:

          Between 108 BC and 1911 AD, there were no fewer than 1,828 recorded famines in China, or once nearly every year in one province or another.


      • Black AOC@lemmygrad.ml
        10 个月前

        Isn't it funny how yankees will accuse anyone they've got an existential enmity with of "causing" a "genocidal" drought like these OPFOR are like-- mystical 9th level shamans that can just point at the land and say "wither"? While we're on the subject, if the droughts of Mao's time were a genocide, then shouldn't you really ought to consider the Dust Bowl one too?

        • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
          10 个月前

          When it happens in the US, its a natural disaster.

          When it happens elsewhere, its caused by a person.

            • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
              10 个月前

              Sorry. I did the math, and this was caused by Stalin waving his gigantic spoon around so hard it made a hurricane occur 75 years later.

              Chalk up more deaths to the Black Book of Communism!


              • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
                10 个月前

                Stalin did killed Polish president like that. 10 April 1940 he planted some trees around aiport in Smolensk. Exactly 70 years later 10 April 2010 plane carrying Lech Kaczyński crashed on the trees around the airport.


            • huf [he/him]
              10 个月前

              the US isnt the US when it's ruled by the OTHER PARTY

              remember libs crying under trump how "THIS ISNT THE AMERICA I GREW UP IN" and shit?

        • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
          10 个月前

          The genocidal Dust Bowl was the personal fault of H. Hoover and FDR. They waved their wands of dryness and directly caused the droughts.

          • Black AOC@lemmygrad.ml
            10 个月前

            They waved their wands of dryness and directly caused the droughts.

            Oh, I always thought it was forbidden Colonizer magic that did it, I didn't know it was just wands of dryness :o

          • Dolores [love/loves]
            10 个月前

            unironically the dust bowl was the result of the genocide of native peoples & homesteading policies, not natural processes.

            but these were over the duration of several decades, not a single presidential administration.

            • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
              10 个月前

              It's really shameless how the US actively messes with people's food and the ability of the land to produce said food in order to benefit short term capital gains, while also pointing the finger at last-of-their-kind famines experienced under fledgling workers states as some sort of trump card.

              Even now 10% of US households don't always have enough to eat. US foreign policy is in large part designed to starve people and keep others under threat of being starved. Farmland is being destroyed in the name of quick profits.

              Meanwhile China has incredible stockpiles of grains just in case the worst happens, and they have prioritized national food security and self-sufficiency as a matter of national security.

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          10 个月前

          Nobody died during the Dust Bowl. John Steinbeck is a fucking liar. Actually, if anything, the population boomed and everything was even more awesome. FDR was the one that killed everybody. Things under Coolidge and Hoover were going great. You've just been fooled by all those insidious college Marxists who never took a simple Econ 101 class in their lives.

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        10 个月前

        Idk how much of that was Big Evil Mao telling people to kill the Four Pests and how much of that was the lingering consequences of a 40 year long Japanese genocidal occupation, brutal civil war, and attendant refugee crises. But if you're really interested in what farm life during the era of Chinese Revolution looked like, there's an excellent historical documentary called "Fanshen" that details the day-to-day life in Long Bow Village from '45 to '48 during the land-reform campaign.

      • COMHASH@lemmygrad.ml
        10 个月前

        relative to Mao's famine (if we blame every action to Mao) then India was having frequent famines and droughts which caused millions of deaths , misery and poverty .

      • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
        10 个月前

        I believe that was Stalin and his comically-large spoon.

        FR though, read into these famines a bit closer. It sounds like your sources may have passed over some of the context surrounding these famines.

  • QueerCommie@lemmygrad.ml
    10 个月前

    I thought this was satire, but here’s the real link: https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/28/asia/china-xi-jinping-clean-plate-campaign-dst-intl-hnk/index.html

  • NotErisma
    7 个月前

    deleted by creator

  • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
    10 个月前

    This sounds like a goddamn parody, holy shit. How lacking in self awareness must someone be to read an article like this and not have a "are we the baddies?" moment?

  • Melonius [he/him]
    10 个月前

    Does anyone unironically share this? Really grasping at straws on the anti China front