So was playing Genshin Impact with him yesterday, apparently he's waiting for an update in the story and wanted me to play until then, for the first time. Side note I like the game so far but I sat down in a chair and couldn't get back up so I had to stop playing.

We started talking about the characters available their roles and gameplay value when the subject of women came up. He was using females and I asked him to stop using that word. He asked why I told him it weird and alienating like we were scientists observing animals. He pointed out that we were males so it looked like I wasn't getting through to him so I switched tactics.

I told him incels tend to refer to women as either females or femoids you know really alienating and off putting things. He was like 'oh shit' and stopped using female to describe the characters. He slip once like 30 minutes later but self corrected.

I know it's video games and nothing major but I feel like moments like this are important. Part of his concern was not being seen as an incel but I feel like not using incel language can help expand or at least not diminish empathy for others.

Also additional side note does anyone know the character's ages. I can't find anything or conflicting fan speculation. So far I like Amber and Lisa. Lisa looks like an adult but I have no idea how old Amber is.

  • Wmill [he/him,use name]
    4 years ago

    We broke, what I don't like about the ps4 vs the ps3 is that a subscription is required to go online for most games. This is an exemption besides we didn't spend any money on it and don't plan to.

    • bananon [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Nah I'm not making fun of you or your conditions, just throwing a self aware rag on anime, as someone who watches too much of it.

      • Wmill [he/him,use name]
        4 years ago

        It's cool no worries. I recently got back to watching anime to with my nephew. We binged watch JoJo part 5 and rezero on vrv. Glad the election is over because we kept getting the same TJ Cox ad over and over. Apparently he doesn't play his taxes and is funneling money to his socialist friends, like damn I could use some of that. Not to mention all the propaganda for prop 22 I think the gig workers.

          • Wmill [he/him,use name]
            4 years ago

            Without spoiling it what's it about? My nephew wants to watch sheild hero but feels that anime feels really incel like. Is this good?

              • Wmill [he/him,use name]
                4 years ago

                Golden Kamuy, Haikyuu, and mob psycho. I'll check these out with him. After getting caught up with rezero he recommended shield hero but I acted really disinterested so he dropped it and we watched a bit of the reincarnated slime. I was afraid of possible imperialist themes with iseaki but was pleased with rezero and slime. One has a world and culture already going on and the other feels like a videogame.

            • Awoo [she/her]
              4 years ago

              Golden Kamuy is good but not suitable for children. It has a lot of completely unhinged characters including one that wears other people's skin.

              Do recommend it though, it's good.

              • Wmill [he/him,use name]
                4 years ago

                Older nephew is 18 but probably will have my younger nephew play Minecraft in my room if we watch it.