So was playing Genshin Impact with him yesterday, apparently he's waiting for an update in the story and wanted me to play until then, for the first time. Side note I like the game so far but I sat down in a chair and couldn't get back up so I had to stop playing.

We started talking about the characters available their roles and gameplay value when the subject of women came up. He was using females and I asked him to stop using that word. He asked why I told him it weird and alienating like we were scientists observing animals. He pointed out that we were males so it looked like I wasn't getting through to him so I switched tactics.

I told him incels tend to refer to women as either females or femoids you know really alienating and off putting things. He was like 'oh shit' and stopped using female to describe the characters. He slip once like 30 minutes later but self corrected.

I know it's video games and nothing major but I feel like moments like this are important. Part of his concern was not being seen as an incel but I feel like not using incel language can help expand or at least not diminish empathy for others.

Also additional side note does anyone know the character's ages. I can't find anything or conflicting fan speculation. So far I like Amber and Lisa. Lisa looks like an adult but I have no idea how old Amber is.

  • Wmill [he/him,use name]
    4 years ago

    I could somewhat guess that but I guess because I'm assuming the character might be a blank slate, don't know haven't gone through the game, I'm probably not gonna get to attached to them as I will the side characters.

      • Wmill [he/him,use name]
        4 years ago

        Ngl I like how the braids look like ears. Like they could have just added animal people but instead it looks like the character has some agency and decided they wanted animal ears. Really cute.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          4 years ago

          There are actually non-human races. Sucrose and Klee both have non-human ears, I think Ganyu (not playable yet) also has horns. Klee's are elfish and Sucrose has animal ears.

          I think that the "travelling from a different world" thing will play a part in explaining what the deal is with so many different races/species living in this world. Whether it's the different "human" races, the hilichurls, gods, demi-gods or the abyss order. I'm pretty sure many different races have been hurled through a world portal of some sort like the player and have all then been forced to just make a go of it in this world.

          • Wmill [he/him,use name]
            4 years ago

            Yeah my nephew was telling me that one lady that killed my sibling or something in the intro was form another game. He doesn't want to spoil it for me. I never would have guessed a game like this would have this much of a story I thought it would just be anime breath it the wild which I haven't really paid attention to the story and just been parrying everything and smacking things with branches.