a relevant this is hell episode. The past 20 years have seen the republicans party using the constitution to undermine the constitution. From Bush V Gore to Merrick Garland. Dozens of instances.

I think if we didn't live in a normalization era and if you asked somebody which is more unthinkable, the Merrick Garland scenario or a Republican state legislature refusing to accept the popular vote for president, I don't think they could say one is clearly more unthinkable than the other.

I've heard people suggest that if a state just replaced it's electors, it'd be tantamount to civil war. Merrick Garland wasn't.

And there's several Airbud style loopholes. Congress certifies the count and with a bipartisan objection, they can adjourn to discuss the results. McConnell: "well technically there's no rule that says we explicitly have end discussion before Jan 20"

My hot take: there is NO WAY Biden becomes president even though he wins. It won't be civil war because constitutional democracy already ended a good 20 years ago and everybody got over it. They will get over this too.

160/160 post title, never leave any character off the table.

  • machinegobrrrr [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I saw fox news for a few minutes when georgia flipped. they already began the coping process, their guest was talking about how this is still a win for republicans because they won a lot of down ballot seats and still control senate etc. They probably don't mind taking an L for president race so that they can rile up their base and win house back in 2022