So I just read this paper and needed to talk to someone. You should absolutely read it but essentially, all society, including affluent nations, is going to collapse starting this decade. The article states 20% probability of human extinction before 2100 as one reasonable figure reached by some reputable scientists.

Capitalism and sustainable development and incremental reforms have failed so far and will continue to fail. Organizations, like IPCC have consistently undersold the extent of climate change happening. In fact, the trends we are now experiencing are the worst predictions of the mid-90s. Even now, the view of societal collapse is seen as scaremongering even among scientists but we have reached a stage where we need to consider this not just a hypothetical, but actually reality.

I just...we don't have any time left. I really don't know what to do. It just doesn't seem real. How do we even prepare for something like this?

  • SevenSharpFive [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah, this gnaws at me. Any form of revolution will have to coincide with or occur after heavy collapse. Materially it seems pretty unavoidable at this point.

  • KiaKaha [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It’s iffy. Shit’s gonna get bad, but iirc the paper talks about stuff like chain destruction of nuclear power plants?

    Anyway, the potential destruction of everything is nothing new to communists. Just update some Posadas to include climate instead of nukes, and you’re Gucci.

    • The_word_of_dog [he/him]
      4 years ago

      He mentions Mcpherson but makes sure to note that he is an outlier with his extreme predictions.

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    As the end of Western civilisation (and what the West has to offer the world.... Where once it at least offered the thin veneer of civilisation and human progress. Today it stands for neverending war, oligarchy and nihilism) comes to an end so those living in the West saw, not transformation but the end of everything

    In the twilight of every civilisation you see this pattern of doomerism repeated in its culture and writings

    I've no doubt some kind of collapse is going to happen. This will afford the progressive part of humanity an opportunity to lynch the Ceos and Shareholders and build a new society free of wage slavery (even if materially we are a lot poorer)

    But doomerism is inherently reactionary and in the revolutionary spirit of every socialist or communist revolutionary society we saw what humanity can do when its not shackled to the chains of profit and beholden to a parasite class

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I read the first iteration of this sometime back and it sent me through a very sad, depressive, helpless state for sometime. It's very good but I just want to warm people to not expect a regular scientific journal, Deep Adaptation is very dark and you should consider taking it in parts and/or have a plan to be able release some emotions after reading it. Everyone is different but I just wanted to put this out there, it's not for the faint of heart

  • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Predictions of human extinction are far too optimistic. We will make roaches look like amateurs, push comes to shove. Honestly it smacks of rhetorical flourish as if the prospect of absolute destruction will change someone's opinion on 99% destruction.

    But there's no reason to be all that distraught, with the great upheavals climate change will reap comes our greatest ever opportunity to remake society. Maybe not quick enough to prevent a lot of awful stuff, but one shouldn't underestimate what we'll be able to do once the world is cooperating and striving for justice.

  • GothWhitlam [he/him]
    4 years ago

    My only answer is to not let this make you a doomer.

    Sure, shit is fucked, and bad things are definitely going to happen, but what is revolution if it isn't hope in the face of the hopeless?

    We're a wall against the wind, combined we can care for one another, build communities and respect the value of human life no matter the circumstances.

    Even if this is true, and we're all fucked, I'd rather the last human interaction to be one of kindness and solidarity than one of greed and corruption.

    The alternative to revolutionary thought is to accept the status quo. We're all here because we know we can't accept it and won't.

    I love you Comrade. Stay strong, keep building a community, and know that we're here for you if you need it.

  • theboy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Well fellas, it was a great ride. My favourite parts were indoor plumbing and 100gecs.

  • agoddamncheeto [any]
    4 years ago

    Shits bad but I’ve learned over the past years never to underestimate humanities ability to kick the can down the road for longer than you expect. Some rich nation or “non-profit” is going to try to aerosolize the sky. Maybe China, maybe the US/EU maybe the Gates Foundation. The stakes are too high for humanity to at least not try it, and we’ll collectively fuck over poor countries crop yields before letting industrialized civilization collapse. However if the change happens much faster than we might not have time to try it. Alternatively the consequences from trying might take us down anyways.

  • Quimby [any, any]
    4 years ago

    Nah, Biden got elected. We're good now.

      • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
        4 years ago

        And eco fascist would want white people to survive.

        I’m kinda chill with everyone dying at this point. It’s the only thing keeping me sane.

          • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
            4 years ago

            And fascists, and conservatives, and AnCaps.

            Everyone will get owned. Commies and socialist will get owned too but at least well be out of our misery, won’t have to deal with all the other asshoels and bullshit anymore.

              • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Recent event, personal and public, have gave me a very grave view of humanity. In my experience most of my fellow lefties feel the same but don’t want to admit it cuz it throws a wrench into their worldview. But I honestly think even if we pulled off FALGSC people would still be a pack of ignorant abusive assholes

                We shoulda stayed monke.

                    • Tripbin [none/use name]
                      4 years ago

                      For real. Guy sounds like he's struggling with some shit and we should lay off a little. Many of us have been at a point where we just said fuck humanity.

                  • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    misanthropic AnPrim

                    Let’s assume I’m totally right about humans being absolute garbage, would this point of view be unreasonable

                      • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
                        4 years ago

                        I mean if the only way to get humans to not act like shit is to achieve the perfect material conditions that doesn’t bode well either. It assume we can achieve those and even if we do, it’s easy to be an angle in heaven, if someone causes things to go to shit everyone will be back to their old ways in no time.