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  • grisbajskulor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Any other failchildren on here? I'm in expensive college on my rich parents' dime but all I'm really good at is looking at political memes, smoking weed, gentrifying working class neighborhoods, and playing video games (poorly) and if I'm not able to get a job when I graduate I have basically infinite time to keep looking. As a result I have a distracting amount of self loathing. Seeing posts on here like "I was fired and have no health insurance for my family" slowly kills me inside. Pls post directions to nearest gulag ASAP.

    At least I've used some time to read up on theory and produce propaganda so that's a pat on my back I guess.

      • grisbajskulor [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Fosho I second this, I'm actually pursuing a career (somewhat) in my passion.

      • grisbajskulor [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Lol I'm working on it. The "so many people in the world would literally kill to be in your position" is maybe the most paralyzing of all.

        Should also note that I've dealt with unbearable criticism since I was a baby, so honestly I'm probably doing okay. I'll likely have a well paid job in a field I love soon, unless the economic depression makes that impossible. But my shit is probably more together than ever.

    • hazefoley [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah grew up solidly PMC, dad was a salesman eventually moved up to VP. Not rich enough for me to fuck off with a trust fund, but we were never uncomfortable.

      I dropped out school and started a business. Business failed and I essentially got bought by my partners parents who took on the 5 figure in debt that I had personally gaurenteed. Now I'm driving Uber and applying to like 20 jobs a week.

      If I had a reset I'd switch out of my business major track into something I actually felt inspired by. I'm honestly glad the business failed because it turned me into a fucking asshole small business tyrant. I was miserable and constantly stressed, gained like 70lbs and developed a minor drinking habit in the 3 years I did it. I see this current period in my life as a sort of penance. We used the shitty private contractor loophole and absolutely exploited people who were desperate. I was actually listening to Citations Needed and posting in the sub toward the end there. Deluded myself into thinking I could do good capitalism. Once it was all over I shed all those illusions and dove head first into radicalization

      Planning on going back to school once things are back to normal if I can't find a solid job in the meantime.

      • grisbajskulor [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Thanks for sharing. The penance aspect is real, I did actually leave college to work a minimum wage job in the "passion" field I studied for. I kinda hated it at the time, but being surrounded by a varying degree of working class people changed my worldview and made me feel more like a participant in society rather than a leech.

        Best of luck with school. Your journey is weirdly inspiring, I hope you come out on the other side feeling better and better <3

      • grisbajskulor [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Damn I'm sorry to hear that. Can't imagine what that feels like. I hope your situation improves.

        Please try not to feel guilty, if there's one thing we want capitalists to subsidize it's disabled / chronically ill comrades. <3