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  • Freecell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Is anyone else starting to get seriously nervous about the potential safety profile of the leading vaccine candidates for COVID-19 and the general vaccine woo surrounding them? Let me lay out my concerns, sorry if this is long and scattered. Most of the ones being pushed up now (Pfizer, Moderna, pretty sure Oxford) are based on RNA injection. Usually our concept of vaccines are based around presenting a specific antigen (in this case spike protein) to the body, which will produce antibodies to that antigen and provide immunity. This is the mechanism behind the Chinese attenuated virus vaccine among others. However in the West we have taken this opportunity to push a first-in-humans technology, RNA injection, which enlists our cells to actually begin manufacturing the antigen. This is WELL outside the normal parameters of a vaccine, so much so that I don't even think they should be called vaccines - they are really a different class of drugs with the same outcome. I am really concerned about this first step in particular, and whether this could lead to autoimmune disorders or other insidious, irreversible damage to specialized tissues, like damage to heart, eye, or thyroid, that will only be apparent after years and additional insults. We are forcing the immune response to take part adjacent to or even within the cells that are the best at manufacturing protein, and perhaps even against protein-antigen complex while antigens are still being manufactured. To me that is a recipe for disaster. A lot of people are saying they will take a vaccine as soon as Fauci says it's fine. A lot of people are talking about needing vaccine proof to remain employed and take part in society. I don't think I would take an RNA vaccine until at least 5-10 years had passed. I really feel scared that I'm going to be forced to take this thing and would love to hear from others who have put some thought into this and feel like it doesn't add up.

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I think it's probably fine. I am concerned about immune reactions given the testing sizes are quite small.

    • RuthBaderGonesburg [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I agree. I think the technology behind mRNA vaccines is exciting but given that this is an entirely new category of vaccine I want longer safety testing. Hopefully the Johnson & Johnson vaccine comes out soon. It’s based on a non-replicating adenovirus.

    • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      To set you at ease a little bit, we're probably low enough on the pecking order that these issues will be clarified before we have access to the vaccine. Normies aren't gonna get dosed until next summer imo.