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:porky-scared: .

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Yesterday's megathread

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Protest Feeds

  • Brown_Pelican [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think the discourse that's been really pissing me off the most lately is the shitting on BLM activists for wanting to "defund the police" because they claim it scares off people. I can't believe the amount of people going off saying how horrible the messaging is and that we should do something nicer like "reforming the police."

    Imagine looking at history and still deciding not to take a stand on something because it "doesn't poll well. " Like go fight to make it happen, popular or not because it's the right thing to do!

    I remember when people were saying "oh we should allow LGBT members to have civil unions, but gay marriage is just infringing on traditional marriage" less than a decade ago and now it's more or less normalized in liberal circles. I wonder why? Maybe because activists were pushing the fucking issue?????

    I've unironically seen somebody claiming hillary clinton was smart to not support gay marriage in 2008 because "it didn't poll well" so nothing surprises me anymore. :agony-yehaw:

  • ocho [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Seeing everyone in Bolivia coming together and celebrating Evo coming home along with calls to create una Patria Grande fills my cold shriveled heart with hope :Care-Comrade:

  • IfIDontKnowNoOneDoes [undecided,any]
    4 years ago

    Kind of freaking the fuck out because I realized I'm not really a teenager anymore but an adult. I suppose from this point onwards I can expect regular existential crises about how I'm past the good parts of my life and my immutable demise is approaching. I'm still like super young by most people's standards but idk can't help panicking regardless. I mean damn it's not even like the things that happened in the past were all that good but I still find myself desperately wishing I could go back. I just wanna like play video games and make things and find ways to have fun on this godforsaken planet without my brain telling me that I should panic for no good reason

  • Koa_lala [he/him]
    4 years ago

    God damnit dude. I really don't like the astroturfed neoliberal take over of reddit. That mind poison is going to affect a lot of shitheads

  • proonjooce [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The Population Reference Bureau estimates that throughout history around 108 billion humans have died. I think their numbers are wrong and this is dangerous disinformation at work because at least twice this amount have been killed by communism and China has more than this in concentration camps currently.

  • bimbusbumbus [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Reading about American war crimes makes me wish this country could be obliterated off the map.

    • comrade_24 [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Everything about this country is shit, and the fact that it’s all twisted into “the peak of human civilization” is even worse. :amerikkka:

  • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]M
    4 years ago

    Every state in this country has uncontrolled spread

    it would be fun to run for government on a "Persecute all officials responsible for covid-19 response" platform.

    Ya know one has to wonder what outcome other than "this" gesticulates around the room, could have occurred in this country.

    In a country where conspiracy theories about FEMA camps abound. The government couldn't have mandated quarantined buildings, let alone built one in 6 days that would not collapse on the newly acquired residents. In a country where systematic racism is just ever-present, Black and brown families wouldn't have handed over their covid infected grandma to die in a Trump administration quarantine building, or sent their 20 year old kid with covid to sequester away, like they did in Wuhan. The neoliberal austere drones that make up the vast majority of the ruling class immediately shut down the idea of monthly payments, cash transfers that would have kept the vast majority of people at home, job or no job. Companies could have easily upped the "hazard pay" up to maybe a hundred to two hundred extra dollars a paycheck and asked the government for a handout afterwards, to keep the supply chains intact; basically, you can stay home and make 1200 a month or make 1200 a month AND make your regular wage + 200 extra dollars (maybe even more!).

    All those people that would suddenly end up unemployed could have been recruited for delivery of groceries and contact tracing positions. Mutual aid networks could have been funded and set up for neighborhoods and check on the elderly. You could have recruited people to work at distribution centers per zip code, or per neighborhood. People could have been hired to help as teacher aids, hazard crews, park beautification crews.

    This government, this society has responded so poorly to the pandemic. I found the whole snitching or complaining about neighbors pretty fucking dumb. Like you could have made it less about personal responsibility and more about helping others. But this country couldn't even make that simple messaging fix.

    I'm so fucking tired. Part of me, deep down, is just fully jokerfied. Like I don't give a fuck anymore, I'm expecting this country to collapse next year. IT has to fall apart. This isn't functional at all.

    I'm not even addressing how obvious it was that as soon as the predominant groups dying of covid ended up being black and hispanic people the government immediately gave up on the lockdown and Trump even said "nobody important" was dying.

    Like fuck this country, for real.

    I actually told my wife that one of the things that will decide the election was whether people believed the covid death numbers. Polling indicated that republicans think Trump is doing a good job.

    Do you think U.S. efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic are going: Very well 18% of voters 86 13 Somewhat well 33% 78 21 Somewhat badly 15% 24 74 Very badly 32% 4 94

    What a fucking hellworld of disgusting pain pigs. I fucking hate them all.

  • notthenameiwant [he/him]
    4 years ago

    As a mod, I demand that Beatnik gets 200+ replies in his inbox every day. Fuck this megathread account.