Why the fuck not?

  • ChapoBapo [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Working from home, at least if it wasn't your choice, sucks dick shit I'm sorry. I go through most days without even seeing a single human being. Calls even with video are not the same thing. I sit in my desk chair at my computer like 10 hours a day. Then the weekend comes! Finally, time to relax by sitting in the exact same chair in the exact same room at the exact same desk, but "not working." I can't go do fun shit to decompress because not a single "western" country can get a handle on this nonsense. Humans are not made for this shit.

    You know what sucks more shit? Being forced to go to work in public in a pandemic and be around other people who could infect you. That sucks more.

      • ChapoBapo [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Thank you for the suggestion. I'm exaggerating for effect, I do have activities outside the computer, though I recognize that the stress of the situation has sapped my focus and motivation to do them. I'm dealing with these things, but still I wish things were different.