• CyborgMarx [any, any]
      1 year ago

      Luckily I took Journalism in high school. "News" is reporting of facts. News articles do not mention accusations, or supposition, or opinions - except reported as a fact, such as "Guiliani stated that people were unfairly attacking him". Not "People are unfairly attacking Guliani", which is opinion. Editorial, opinion, etc. are supposed (in newspapers) to be clearly stated as such. There is a big difference. The problem with Fox "News" is first that it calls itself "news" which is mostly false. Second, I do see some (surprising) actual news, but it's always during low viewership time periods. During any time there is significant viewership, it is nonstop opinion, editorial, etc. - and it is all one-sided. Heck, they've paid hundreds of $millions for outright lying to viewers. They are almost all right wing propaganda.

      Even when they think they're being oppositional, liberals are completely helpless in the face of propaganda, the myths they tell themselves about objectivity leaves them unable to articulate any position that can't be reduced to vague credentialism

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        1 year ago

        I watched 9/11 while I was in the Marine corps. I knew I was going to be deployed, away from family and friends. Maybe killed or maimed. It was an act of war on our homeland. I watched 1/6 and that was so much worse. It pissed me off so much more. It's our own citizens turning against our government, orchestrated by a traitor who shouldn't have been president, and should've been removed several times during his term. 1/6 was the worst event in modern history. Everyone associated with orchestrating it should be fully punished. Those who support it, I wish they could be punished as well.
