i want to hear about the subject, not your 86678867 different tangents and "HILARIOUS" jokes
People always complain about Alice and Liam's tangents but without them the podcast would be 15 minutes long
Yeah I love the tangents too. If I just wanted straight up engineering analysis I'd watch a lecture or something
That's my favourite and what really got me (somewhat) into podcasts. It has lots of tangents, but it's slowly going towards a conclusion.
CTH seems more disorganised to me. Just can't get into it.
Different strokes, different folks. Chitchatting podcast are much harder to get into, for sure. Citations Needed keeps it to a minimum.
It sounds like you should be listening to an online college course instead of a podcast. I haven't listened to enough of those to recommend any.
Rev Left and Red Menace would be just your thing, then. They're very focused.
That's when you listen to lectures and talks, most schools put them on youtube. Like the Whitney Humanities Center at Yale has an entire series on Marx that has been going on for a few weeks, it's been great and all are on youtube after being on zoom.
The Dollop? I fucking haaaate how long they drag their "jokes" or "bits" out. They last for minutes and aren't always very funny.