Don't you know that any potential leader is probably just a grifter? If you want to build an effective leftist movement, you have to have no leaders whatsoever. Directionless resentment is surely the only way forward.

  • chapoid [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Ah yes because if there's one thing leftists know, it's that the problem with capitalism is that we have the wrong leaders in charge, not the hierarchy itself. What a shitlib take

    • anthropicprincipal [any]
      4 years ago

      Movements need hierarchy. Infinite struggle sessions where everyone wants to lay out their opinion on everything don't work. Eventually you need specialists.

      Capitalism has a pyramidal hierarchy but other hierarchies can be relatively flat like the soviets (worker councils) where delegates were elected only so long as they had the majority of the council's votes -- so, instant recalls.

      Social hierarchies are at the core of all social animals and we can't get away from it. Humans are just highly evolved social animals. We aren't the borg or some shit.

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        Folks like to forget that capitalism works as an organizational structure. It's practitioners dominate physical space and productive materials, mobilize large amounts of human labor, and generate significant new economic value.

        This is also what Communists want to do. They want a different social relationship between participants, not a Return To Monke.

        Social hierarchies are at the core of all social animals and we can’t get away from it.

        Animals periodically reorganize their hierarchies, even branching into entirely different structures, over time. Humans absolutely have the capacity to advance past tribal organizations, city-states, kingdoms, and empires or regress back into hermitage. Social organization doesn't have to be rigidly vertical. But you do still need some level of respect between participants such that instruction from one individual is not endlessly countervailed by others.

        I think it's easy to neglect that the basis of hierarchy isn't brutality. It is trust. A hierarchy built on trust can be healthy and good, if the participants are well-informed and the relationship is fruitful. Constant cynicism and doubt isn't any kind of basis for any kind of leftist philosophy, nevermind the Social Animals argument.

      • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
        4 years ago

        Movements need coordination. That's a completely different thing from hierarchy.

        Disorganization was a fatal flaw of OWS but that doesn't mean you have to have one person over other people, fractally repeating everywhere. Organization and subordination are not the same at all.

      • chapoid [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        You're talking out of both sides of your mouth . I love how when talking about Occupy you say "They had no leadership everything came down to council meetings to make shared proclamations, and then everyone gave up and just drank and did drugs until the cops sweeped them out one night." But then in the next breath you're endorsing the "flat hierarchy" lfmao, of soviet worker councils and their delegates. "Flat heirarchy" is about as oxymoronic as "capitalist democracy." Delegates arent leaders, they're messengers. Nor are "specialists." You are talking nonsense.

        There's a reason antifa doesnt have a leader, but you probably think that's dumb.

        • anthropicprincipal [any]
          4 years ago

          Some hierarchies are flatter than others. Delegates from soviet councils had wide executive powers to obtain goods, services, and general labor. They weren't just messengers. They were more like project managers who worked for the workers obtaining, managing, and divvying up the grants from the national council.

          Ancoms, Iron Front, and probably even libs all claim antifa. The whole idea is to be leaderless for operational security. It is not dumb, it is smart. Outside of street fights though hierarchies are needed. You can't have people choosing a different person they want to try to engineer a bridge every other day, that is anarchy.

          • chapoid [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            Delegates from soviet councils had wide executive powers to obtain goods, services, and general labor. They weren’t just messengers.

            "In a system with temporary and instantly revocable delegates, workers decide on what their agenda is and what their needs are. They also mandate a temporary delegate to divulge and pursue them. The temporary delegates are elected among the workers themselves, can be instantly revoked if they betray their mandate, and are supposed to change frequently. The delegates act as messengers, carrying and interchanging the intention of the groups of workers."


            hierarchies are needed. You can’t have people choosing a different person they want to try to engineer a bridge every other day, that is anarchy.

            holy fuck what a shit take. Hierarchy is not specialization. The engineers do not have rule over the steelworkers who weld the bridge. Anarchy is not doing whatever you want jesus fucking christ.

            • OhWell [he/him]
              4 years ago

              We don't even have a working class movement in the US but you're going to compare it to Soviet councils? LOL.

              Movements do need hierarchy and leaders and the left has none of that in the US. Compare it to the far right. They have a central figure they rally around (Trump), who do we have? No one. Maybe it was Sanders, but the left is so divided and infights over the most stupid petty bullshit, that he wasn't good enough before dropping out and shilling for Biden.

              And Occupy was a shitshow and I would know cause I was involved and following it from day 1. Occupy was proof that the bourgeoise are not intimidated or threatened by peaceful protests. It led to nothing and went out with a whimper.

              • chapoid [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Occupy was proof that the bourgeoise are not intimidated or threatened by peaceful protests. It led to nothing and went out with a whimper.

                Riiiiight, which is why they had a massive police presence from day one, were under constant harassment by cops, and went out with a violent raid nationally coordinated by the FBI. Fuck off.


              • chapoid [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Movements do need hierarchy and leaders and the left has none of that in the US

                Because they're all dead or in jail you fucking genius

            • anthropicprincipal [any]
              4 years ago

              That is why I said soviet. We are talking about two different things.


              Engineers do have rule over who can work on a bridge. Name a bridge that was built without a foreman. I never said anarchy was doing whatever you want. Direct democracy can't apply everywhere and at all times. There have to be leaders.

              • Nagarjuna [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Name a bridge that was built without a foreman

                Most foremen are in a temporary position that's assigned by the union. Even under capitalism foreman is a temporary position of power with a very specific purview.

              • chapoid [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                I'm sorry you didnt say anarchy is doing whatever you want, you said anarchy is picking a new person to try to build a bridge every other day. Wow the anarchy understander has arrived my apologies.

    • ChudlyMcChubbyPants [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Almost every ill of Western civilzation can be traced back to private property, and in this case leadership is no exception.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      Lenin: "We should establish a Vanguard from which to educate and mobilize the proletariat en mass. "

      Some guy on the internet: "Uh, yeah, let's see how far that gets you, you stupid lib."