(Sidenote: i live in italy and here instead of doing written exams we do mostly spoken ones where you have to orally explain the subject)

I knew i had a latin exam by tuesday. I planned to do all my other homework on friday and saturday morning so i could start focusing on that. Instead on saturday i finished in the evening and i got a depressive moment that lasted all night.

Idk what i did on sunday, cos i spaced out hard. I barely read the first page. And the assignment is several dozen pages + repetition so that i know i can be good and saying it outloud.

Today i didnt go to school so i wanted to focus more on this and i did until i recieved messages that the period was moved by one day. Great right? Yes, but it also put an assignment i didnt already do for tomorrow. Easy enough right, i just do it and get it over with? No. It was this stupid poem analysis thing. I cried. I stared at the page for hours. I wanted to get it over with but i didnt want to put any effort into it.

I asked a friend of mine to pass theirs to me so i could copy a bit and theirs was so much better than mine. Abd i couldnt replicate it cos i just didnt want to and cos i didnt study enough for it to know what it was talking about. So 30 minutes ago at 3 am i sent my teacher this horribly written piece of trash. It was supposed to be an exercise for the final exams this june, and now i feel wholly unprepared scholastically and psychologically. Id go there and cry all day long for the whole 6 hours theyd let us write without a real reason and then send in 3/4 of a page worth of text like i did today.

And so again i have only half a day to learn what i should have done in a week. And then maybe theyll give us more exams later to which i didnt even prepare. And im getting dirty again and i should shower but thats more time taken from study. I hate myself and how much time i waste and now im crying again. I really wish i could live as someon who isnt distracted every 5 seconds and that can focus on one task and complete it without opening yt and losing another hour. I hate myself so much for this. Every time i think well its going to be different this time but its never like that. Ugh.

Sorry for the rant, goodnight <3

  • cheerstary [she/her]
    4 years ago

    no need to apologize, reaching out to vent when you need to is always a good thing.

    when I get worked up about school I like to reflect back on past experiences where I've been really upset about similar things. most of the time I realize I've almost completely forgotten about them. as cliche as it is, this too will pass. it won't always be as intense as it seems in the moment. just focus on the things within your control and you're gonna be okay <3 <3