• OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Get ready for 4 years of this shit. Dems will be calling the entire country racist when Kamala gets destroyed against Tom Cotton, Dan Crenshaw or whatever fascist the GOP props up.

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      oh, absolutely. it's exactly as most of us here assumed it would be. Frankly, i'd be surprised if he actually accomplishes anything for climate besides rejoining the paris climate accord, which is a bourgeois fake as fuck committee that will accomplish virtually nothing, it's just to shut people up. the smooth brains and the ignorant will point to it as an accomplishment, when fossil fuel corporations are partial sponsors and helping them word things in a way to minimize all real action.

      Also the idea that we'll somehow get carbon neutral or even close with how it's setup is an absolute fucking joke

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Libs spent the entire summer yelling at us that rejoining the Paris accord would fix climate change.

        They are going to frame climate change as an argument of personal responsibility like they are doing the COVID pandemic. It will be your fault for being too poor to buy an electric car, just like it's people's own fault for being stupid and getting sick.

        4 years of this shit is going to kill that party. They wanted to be the smug, college educated rich people's party, they got their wish. They are now to a point where Republicans can accurately attack them for being out of touch with the everyman and it rings true for people because it is. That is starting to resonate with people a lot more than the ID-POL bullshit that party feeds us by the spoonful.

        • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
          4 years ago

          you nailed it, yeah, that's exactly right and how i feel too. i get so sad sometimes, because like, i recognize people legit wanna do something, even the people who haven't taken the time to really just deep dive into how fucked we are, they are at least smart enough to listen to what scientists are saying that we absolutely have to be doing more if we want the next generations to have a habitable place to live all around the world. the MSN and vast majority of politicians though refuse to actually report on some of the biggest examples of climate change happening RIGHT NOW. It's amazing to me how often I wont hear about massive, unusual nature disasters happening somewhere, but can find it on more small, obscure sources, usually catering to that exact thing about climate. So many people legit just don't fucking know how bad it is, and how bad it's getting, it makes me so fucking mad how little media covers huge natural disasters now, let alone explain why exactly it's happening and not just some freak anomaly. The way the new normal gets hyper-normalized so fast also makes me sick.

          Before we know it, the average person is going to repeating some ecofascist talking points because it will hit them like a ton of bricks how hard we've dragged our feet on maintaining a sustainable planet. I already know this is going to happen, because the bourgeois are going to make it happen just like that. I forgot who the CNN anchor was, but someone asked them why they don't cover climate change more and he literally said it kills his ratings. That's it— that's all it comes down to. It's so bad, but I don't see how it will change. Bill gates is talking about population control now, and as much as i hate him, he is pretty well respected and regarded for most people, so they will end up listening to him without a second thought.