• a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The "fascist bourgeoisie" thing was more sloganeering than analysis, I'll admit.

    What Settlers lays out is how divide and rule has been used. It might not benefit poorer whites in the bigger picture to fight over table scraps, but Sakai spent his life watching whites sell out their comrades and turns out they've been doing that since the 1600s. It was easier for England's petty bourgeois to colonize the natives than to challenge the bigger landholders. It was easier for certain non-landholding whites to become overseers or trade textiles than to join with slaves to challenge the plantation oligarchy. White suburbanites are not distinguishing themselves with their support for BLM or opposition to prison labor, they don't want the freeway blocked on the way to their PMC job so they can keep earning and trying to move into fancier whiter neighborhoods. This isn't a basis for solidarity.

    Idk what else you can call African Americans but an internal colony. I don't mean by this that the immediate goal of the true and pure communist movement is the declaration of the People's Republic of New Afrika and the expulsion of whites from the national territory. But... uhhh... i'm high and that would be really based.