So I never really got this one. It seems like she is a polarizing figure here, but why is that? Also, what's the joke behind the "amber" bot?

  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    If by "plenty of specific time stamped quotes" you mean one, sure:

    Matt (Taibbi): "To jump straight from, yanno seeing an episode like the George Floyd killing to All Cops are White Supremacists murderers, that's unsupportable"

    Amber "You have to grapple with just a few complications to that statement"

    Amber "there's a lot of non-white cops"

    Matt: "and being a cop is a working class job"

    Whatever you think of the politics of those statements, "racist" is a fucking stretch at best. There are, in fact, non-white cops. Many working class people do, in fact, look at a police job as a path to a decent life that doesn't have all the barriers to entry a lot of other jobs do. Try out "all cops are white supremacist murderers" on anyone outside the terminally-online left and these are two of the first responses you'll get. The discussion around this quote makes that exact point, too -- that polling shows how a lot of black people actually want more cops in their neighborhoods, which is a pretty big complication to someone with the approach of "all cops are white supremacist murderers and our position should be calling for no cops whatsoever."

    This is why it's so important to make accusations specific. If you just throw out "they're racist!", you never get into a discussion about what anyone actually said or did. You never get any surrounding context. The person you're accusing is forced to prove a negative (e.g., they aren't racist) or ignore the accusation. It's a smear tactic, which is a cop tactic, and it's no way to treat fellow leftists.

    • CyborgMarx [any, any]
      4 years ago

      And then in another part of the episode she refers to blm and the protesters as "minoritarians" for advancing the Abolish the Police concept, I mean it's really fuckin funny how you continually talk of "specificity" and "context" but refuse to actually listen to the episode that has the full context

      And you're full of shit bro talking about "cop tactics" while defending a pro-cop takes, ALL COPS ARE WHITE SUPREMACTISTS, they all uphold the systematic, skin color in this regard is irrelevant, lol you'd think miss working class whisperer would understand something as basic as the structural and historical underpinnings of the justice system

      Also I didn't call her a racist for pointing out there are non-white cops, so get your facts straight you crypto-bootlicker

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        I didn’t call her a racist for pointing out there are non-white cops

        Another reason why accusations need to be specific: if they aren't, you end up with whack-a-mole shit like this. "Oh I wasn't actually talking about that comment you dug up and responded to; I was talking about something totally different, guess you wasted you time lol." You're doing a cop's job if you engage in this sort of time wasting wrecker behavior.

        she refers to blm and the protesters as “minoritarians” for advancing the Abolish the Police concept

        As someone else has already pointed out to you, total abolition of the police is in fact a minority position. Pointing out that radical solutions aren't widely popular isn't even close to racism, and rejecting the reality of that will get us nowhere.

        • CyborgMarx [any, any]
          4 years ago

          if they aren’t, you end up with whack-a-mole shit like this

          lol little shit you know perfectly well why I called her a racist and it wasn't because of some random time stamp quotes you hand selected from a thread

          As someone else has already pointed out to you, total abolition of the police is in fact a minority position

          And as I pointed out to that garbage comment, socialism is a minority position, communism is a minority position, marxism is a minority position, in a vacuum this criticism is politically meaningless, trends shift, opinions change, that's the goal of engagement and advancing ones position over time to new people, what's important is the context of Amber's usage of the word. Which wasn't as you claim to "point out something obvious" of course you'd already know that if you bothered to actually review the episode

          Her take was an attack meant to shut down other leftists, uncritically using the concept of the black monolith (a monolith that apparently ignores 20% of black people who already agree with the Abolish Police concept) and instead presents the monolith as an unchanging and static force immune to leftist agitation, not only is this defeatist pro-cop horseshit, it's racist and shuts the door on the 20% who are already convinced and the other 80% who are unconvinced but nevertheless many of whom are open to leftist alternatives

          How's that for a "specific" accusation

          • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            you know perfectly well why I called her a racist

            Holy fuck, without a specific accusation you don't know this. How could I possibly spoonfeed this to you any more gently

            • CyborgMarx [any, any]
              4 years ago

              and you make an accusation of racism elsewhere in this thread)

              That's you, you wrote that, you said yourself you saw my first comment in this thread where I called her a racist for referring to protesters as minoritarians "Calling blm protesters minoritarians isn’t just some “off the cuff cowboy hot take on the fly” it’s fuckin racist, and she can eat shit" there's no comment where I called her a racist for pointing there are non-white cops

              So shut the fuck up about "not knowing" the context of my racism accusation, lol why you playing dumb?

              • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                You made that comment after our conversation started you fucking clown. And you linked to a thread that referred to the "time stamped comment" I quoted above. Like I said, this is whack-a-mole style, time wasting wrecker shit.