• thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    You put out a statement explaining that all leaders who don't seize means of production and begin to work towards communism will be killed. You have 24 hours. Go down the list. Likewise to people who don't immediately denuclearize except for DPRK. Eventually you'll get those in power to be scared enough to start making serious concessions.

      • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
        4 years ago

        You make the person who's dying give the statement, since you can kill them anyway you want. After enough deaths they'll start to listen.

            • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
              4 years ago

              Closest thing we have to that is probably a supercomputing AI I would imagine, but if you scrub your social media and fuck off to Botswana or something they're basically fucked.

                • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  Depends on who's programming it and the training data it's got. Material conditions (or in this case training data) determine "who" you are, so if the AI is reading/can read enough Marx and so on then we're in good shape. Would depend on what it determines is "correct." Honestly though, if your criterion is "make humanity better" or something broad like that, it's very probably an AI would just end up on FALGSC as the "solution."

  • TossedAccount [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I thought the whole point of Death Note was that if you were tempted with the Death Note that you shouldn't fucking use it, no matter how carefully selected or how deserving your targets are. Light develops a god complex because he's allowed to use it without any scrutiny.

    The only conceivable ethical use of the Death Note would be if its user were constantly kept in check under some sort of democratic consensus, a hypothetical "people's Death Note". A Death Note user who isn't subjected to constant oppression, surveillance, and scrutiny inevitably becomes a tyrant.

    • Nuttula [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Using authors intent to justify a moral lesson is a vicious circle though. The only reason Light develops a god complex is because the author says he will. There is no science here, we are not seeing a careful study of many different personalities or cultural/social-economic backgrounds being given a Death Note. No we are seeing one very stereotypical Japanese highschool "genius". Heck not even political theory is developed or studied here either since everything starts from the very basic point of view of Japanese society where crime and corruption are the biggest problems, not any inherently social/cultural/political foundations of the nation itself.

      It is why fictional works should not be the basis for real world analysis and theory. Another anime that pisses me off so much for this exact reason is Fate/Zero which the reactionary weebs simply think it justifies capitalism realism "see? you can't fix the world that is idealistic!1!!! because humans are flawed and you can't have world peace blah blah". No shit the only reason you can't have "world peace" is because of that concept itself is just liberalism, but most importantly because it is a fictional story bound by the authors vision and will not actual empirical evidence or science. You could definitely use any reasonable amount of power(doesn't have to be an all powerful wish granting device) to create a better and much more peaceful world.

  • Dyno [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ahem, I take a potato chip and - let me be clear - I eat it

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    My plan is to make a stamp that says "________ is killed in a global communist uprising on (date)". Set the date for about a year after I start writing down names, and every day fill in an entire page with the names of wealthy ghouls. I figure the Death Note can take limited control over people in order to make its designs reality, so if you get enough people killing the rich in the name of communism then cognitive dissonance will do the rest, making hundreds of millions of people worldwide into true believers in the revolution.