Nuttula [comrade/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2020

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]tomainaoc bad again
    4 years ago

    Big brain take: I trust China to setup overnight some separate independent socialist state but I don't trust China to actually govern the region like it has done for over 50 years now.

    Please spend at least 2s thinking about the actual outcome here for the people involved in the struggle against imperialism.

    1-Tibet becomes socialist "independent" satellite.

    2-China vows to support the socialist government at all costs.

    3-Suddenly like nobody could ever see this coming a """"movement"""" starts crying for DEMOCRACY so now they ask big brother USA to help them because big bad China is literaly holding Tibet as a satellite state you know because the Tibetan people deserve DEMOCRACY or some shit.

    Result: China gets balkanized but still has to support this territory for security and ideological reasons. Sounds great to me we should ask the Tibetan people if they want independence right away...

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]tomainaoc bad again
    4 years ago

    Not like me and my big brain that thinks Tibet will massively improve materially and socially by being thrown overnight into the hungry mouths of the big wolf called global capitalism.

    I mean poverty is decreasing world wide so maybe it would be best for Tibet to go at it alone! I am sure I can find some great white male saviour Bill Gates tweet to support my thesis.

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]tomainThought Slime and Uyghur Genocide
    4 years ago

    It’s monetarily beneficial to the capitalist class of China to have Xinjiang as a region which has lots of resources as well as a gateway out of China for the Belt and Road Initiative which is imperialism…

    BRI is imperialism because creating a trading network with other third world countries(some of which are under constant military aggression from western imperialist powers) outside of and as an alternative to the main capitalist world economic market is fucking imperialism. The word may as well be removed from the dictionary.

    I guess this Thought Amoeba also thinks China is imperialist in Africa and LA, something something predatory loans. What a waste of time I wish I could forget this single cell organism exists after reading this post, but I wont be able now because his name now reminds me he is a main character of a fucking anime.

  • Casual viewer only reads the headline. They see "ChinA BAaAaaD!!1!!" 116262x gold whatever the fuck medal shit. Even if the comments are against the title it doesn't matter.

    Like hypothetically speaking the way to stop world news type subs from being anti china would be complete deplatforming of anti-china related """news"""(read: 95% of the time some bullshit article about some bullshit report made by CIA intern or Zens) by deletion or straight downvotes. Otherwise all the users see is that anti-china content is good and well received by the community.

  • Yep it is one instance of Trek where the liberal tendencies create a plot point far more dramatic than it should be in reality though it is somewhat understandable because they want drama and the stereotype is that it is hard to create drama in TNG era trek so what bigger drama then lets create this artificial reason as to why thousands/millions of people must suddenly leave their "homes" while of course barely providing a deep analysis on the issue.

    For me though nevertheless the most hated arc for me is the Eddington arc on DS9 simply because Sisko behaves like a shitty spoiled child. The allegory to moby dick is too on the nose and in the real world I'd say "hey if you want to leave the Federation so badly don't call us when you get genocided by the racist xenophobic alien race next door, the universe doesn't give a shit about human morality."

    Instead Eddington is absolutely right and comes across as a great character(despite being on the shitty side of the cause), Sisko is pretending he cares about justice when the reality was "nobody leaves the goddamn federation ever" and I'd just say Sisko baby chill nobody gives a fuck about the random officer that defected and ended up being eaten alive by a random Gorn or whatever.

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]tofoodjapan lol
    4 years ago

    I hope the OP isn't serious. Pretty sure the sample size on most of those countries is like half a dozen people. I mean where the fuck do you go to find some Peruvian food without going so completely out of your way. And the more out of your way you have to go to eat something the more likely it is you will have some extreme opinion about it(e.g you ate it because you were with a friend that forced you, or you had this unique opportunity to eat at some exotic restaurant once but the experience was either great or horrible).

    In short I would refrain from being a bigot and calling entire nations racist because the whole dozen or so people surveyed by this random western said they didn't like [insert random cousine from country across the planet here].

    I mean if you actually look at this graph all you are seeing is that the Indonisia/Thai/China/Japan all dislike everything that isn't local or completely generic western(Italian = pizza, American = McDonald).

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]tomainHating anime is cringe
    4 years ago

    There are too many leftists that take only the bad traits and use that to discard the whole thing. Anime as if it is all the same which is just sad.

    Yeah it is often reactionary. Have you looked at Japan? And it often has shitty themes, yep clearly most of it is made to appeal to Japanese middle aged salarymen/NEET virgins because they spent their entire teenage years cramming for some shitty exam and then spent their adult years working 16h a day in an office full of men.

    So yeah there are some very shitty anime and this causes some people to disregard the whole genre and so when there are some very great anime they wont know or care about it. Ah yes and when they say "anime" they tend to forget Miyazaki shit is the same "anime" as [generic teenage incest romcom] so that is always fun to see the double standard.

    But anime is sort of taboo because it is too niche, so it is easy to hate and not feel like you are missing anything. Some people are just hypocrites too given that by if they used the same metrics to judge other media they would also have to give up like 80% of all movies and TV not just because of the reactionary/lib dominated world but because Hollywood is literally pedophile/rapist paradise. And the music industry as well unless you fancy financing exploitative record labels that fuck over artists.

    It is a hell world, if you hate things to the point of not considering it beyond the surface level and appearances then you'll just alienate yourself, become miserable, never consume or do anything because everything is never more than a few steps away from a connection to straight fascism or liberalism(or both).

    As for anime, anyone that cares enough to watch the good stuff wont have problems finding it just pick any Kyoto stuff or any of the recent popular movies etc...

    Also China is making their own original anime too so that is a struggle session coming to you soon.

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]tosino*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    What a shitty chain, piece of shit logic that is only interested in a cheap "haha gotcha" as if material conditions doesn't matter, as if the terrorist attacks don't matter, as if the lack of alternative solutions doesn't matter.

    Gee I guess at some point the government may use some traits to help discern who may be(it wouldn't even be the only thing that matters, unlike the color of your skin in the US) terrorists or not, oh no the fucking horror I can't imagine the horrible fate that awaits them in the check notes temporary re-education and training facilities.

    You want to pretend we are talking about Auschwitz and measuring skulls, stupid nonsense. See the CEECEEPEE isn't perfect! Gotcha stupid tankies!

  • You're absolutely right lol at the people getting triggered by this comment almost as if nobody cares to remember the actual events of the two primaries and the classic all time hits like "my friend Joe Biden" or endorsing Hillary, or being a neoliberal imperialist on debate stage(saying shit about Cuba and China) or best of all conceding and supporting rapist Joe Biden instead of actually fighting him from the left.

    So many people here seemingly still haven't grown up past Bernie, give it time.

  • “Trump was actually better for the rest of the world” is consistently the worst take on here. It’s also a take that’s hard to find outside of the U.S.

    The research in the article includes a majority(only 24 countries, skips the entire third world because who cares) of western first world countries.

    Clearly capitalist nations would prefer Biden because Trump embarrasses and jeopardizes the legitimacy of the "free" "democratic" world led by America. Trump simply exposed the ugly side of American politics to people worldwide who had no clue the white savior was actually clueless and stupid most of the time not to mention racist and incompetent.

    Biden would help transform that image and with it the belief that we(westerners) live in a just world. You can easily find polls about what Europeans and other people think of actual living conditions in the US like lack of healthcare, education, poverty levels etc.

    Nobody in the first world is ready and/or willing to admit the US is their enemy. Trump's racist isolationist USA makes that obvious. Any other "civil" president makes it seem like it is back to good old USA freedom police yadayada.

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]tomainWhat is China waiting for?
    4 years ago

    While their intentions are rooted in capitalism, the liberal elites are right when they say that people in their countries are free. People in the various capitalist countries have the freedom to vote for whomever they want, to criticize the government however they like, express whatever opinion they hold, work wherever they choose, and even protest anything they want whenever they wish to do so. Yes, all these rights are illusory and stripped away and suppressed whenever they threaten the businesses or the government in any real way. But they have resulted in real concessions too - mostly on social issues. The eight hour workdays and overtime pay was won by socialists, the feminist and civil rights movements are also rooted in socialism, in fact, they are rooted in militant socialism, the kind that carried guns and wasn’t afraid to break things.

    So because some socialists groups won some small concessions historically over the past 100 years, despite these being taken away and more(something the author admits himself) this definitely proves libs are right when they claim western societies are "free" because clearly that riot police shooting bullets/gas/water cannons on you is clearly the first thing in your mind when you picture "Freedom". You see freedom is when you have to take arms to force the changes you want to see.

    You have to be really detached from the 21st century capitalist reality when you still talk about 8h workdays and overtime pay as "achievements" when Americans are working 2-4 jobs and still can't make it.

    I think there was a genuine attempt at a point here if you rewrite that entire part and sum it up as "socialist inspired temporary concessions are taken as victories by liberal elites clueless of the historical context and subsequent consequences of it because liberals want to be on the winning team no matter what incoherent garbage they have to justify to get there."

    Sure but this isn't exactly groundbreaking theory here. Didn't bother to read the rest of it.

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]tomainBeing a leftist fucking sucks
    4 years ago

    China is literally mining the moon for a rare element called Helium 3 that “could solve humanitys energy crisis for the next 10,000 year” utilising fusion technology (Professor Ouyang Ziyuan, the chief scientist of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program)

    I am very skeptical any of that will make any difference.

    Climate change is the only threat that matters and nothing will be done until it is too late. The best countries like China can do is mitigation and on that area they'll fare better for some time. The problem is there is no mitigating 4 degrees warming.

    That [insert miracle technology here] could "save the world's energy problems" is hopium in general because IMO it assumes that the problem with capitalism is that we don't already have clean and renewable energy sources that could save the planet. The "energy crisis" isn't an energy crisis it is a fundamental contradiction of capitalism i.e damage to society and the environment doesn't matter only profits.

    Think of it like this, the more time we waste the more drastic measures will be needed. At some point the measures will have to be so drastic(e.g ban all fossil fuel usage) that it guarantees these necessary drastic actions wont happen. Unless someone snaps their finger and makes everyone agree on climate change action tomorrow there is little hope in waiting for the next magical solution.

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]tomainChina Killed the Communist Movement
    4 years ago

    they have only avoided war with USA because of proletarian heros like Gordon Chang running a psyop on USA by telling them China will collapse every year since 1999 (and the US press believing it).

    Overall this is a great comment, but I do have to disagree with this bit(I am assuming this is 100% serious). First of all fascists are delusional by nature so if anything this whole idea that China is going to collapse at any moment is their own coping mechanism. Remember the enemy is weak and strong, the evil CCP must be destroyed, yet it is about to collapse at any moment now. Basicaly what we see online today is just what the capitalist class believed 20 years ago. It is not a psyop but 100% what these ghouls generally believe and how they see the world.

    Secondly analyzing the capitalist economy we know profitability is decreasing historically. The neoliberal period starting in the 80s is a counter tendency. But this isn't enough and by the late 90s early 2000s there is a further decline.

    So how to cope with this? Imperialism of course, China opens the floodgates for US companies to move their manufacturing overseas as a counter tendency to falling profitability at home. There are many questions as to why China became the manufacturing center of the world instead of either one of the infamous BRICs. The reason is simple the CCP proved capable of providing the support for rapid infrastructure/industrial development something countries like Brazil or India could never aspire to(historical and material reasons for this) and in the case of Russia would come with far too many strings attached.

    Then there is the fact that the past 30 years the US has been busy in other far more profitable wars. Why bother invading a country with over 1 billion people when you could make the ME your backyard. Also nukes.

    So my point here is that I'd say the main reason the US missed out on invading China was because this wasn't a US government decision that could be made without consent of the capitalist class, back then and even more so today. Overseas expansion was the only answer to the profitability crisis and if you took out China the future would be even more uncertain. There was never a good alternative for overseas redeployment of such a large scale industrial complex at a scale necessary to counter the falling rate of profit. If you looked at the world in the year 2000 and suggested moving your industry to Taiwan/Vietnam/Philippines/Bangladesh etc instead of China or at least the BRICs you would be laughed at. Eventually some of those countries got some industrial investment but not nearly enough.

  • I come at this from the position of living and dealing with left-of-centre people who I don’t want to alienate for a couple bits of political point scoring.

    You do you of course but this sort of compromise is always won by right wing views. The further left you are the i more rational and "reasonable" we believe to be so maybe just maybe it is ok to concede in one random point here and there and be pragmatic about, left unity and all that garbage nonsense.

    The problem is life is dynamic and issues arise both old and new and if at every point you start to concede to right wing points eventually you are not a socialist or even a left winger but just an American right winger centrist/liberal.

    My point is for now you may believe conceding this is a compromise for the best except there is 100% there will be a new issue in the future that you'll either have to draw a line over or concede yet again. I'm not going to sit here and judge you since I don't know you personally, but honestly IMO this sort of attitude will not be sustainable long term.

    It is ok to say hey I don't want to be at forefront of ideological battles with people that I care about in my life, but it is kind of shitty to pretend it is just about "political point scoring".