:kropotkin-shining: :AC-AnarKitty: :anarkitty:

1 Sickle and hammer megathread post = 1 Anarchy megathread post

  • Quimby [any, any]
    4 years ago

    Reposting here cause I posted in the old megathread like a lib.

    You comrades ruined batman for me. I used to love batman. Went back and played one of the Arkham games for the first time in a while, and all I can think is how the cops are massive dicks, batman is a rich asshole who beats up random citizens for the crime of being outside, and the criminals/villains kind of have some good points.

    At least the new Spider-Man stuff is cool.

    • RedArmor [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Origins you can beat up the cops at least.

      But I feel the same with almost any media we are meant to consume. I think that’s the curse when you dive into Marx and dialectical materialism, you see the threads and where the strings go to connect what you are interacting with, within larger capitalist efforts to keep you satisfied and sedated.

    • Rodentsteak [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Here's what gets me about Batman: When they try to make villains its okay for batman to beat the shit out of, they create really sympathetic people who actually kinda sometimes have a point (Mr. Freeze, The Invisible Man), but when they try to make a villain relatable and "In the right" they create just some complete psychopath with absolutely no redeeming features who should be shot at the first opportunity (White Knight)

        • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
          4 years ago

          In the 2011 reboot the super villains appear first, and becoming Batman is a necessary to stop them. So it might be more enjoyable to read. It's pretty cool.