Our North American CHUD is likely a superstitious, landowning boomer who identifies with white nationalism and Christianity. I imagine the Chuds of other settler colonial areas have a similar profile (e.g. Brazil, South Africa, Australia). But to those who live/have spent time abroad, what is the local stereotype of a reactionary?

  • LibsEatPoop2 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Bhakt is the term for Hindu fascists. The term, when used normally, is for people who are religious, specifically in the Bhakti tradition where they pray to a God, sing hymns, perform rituals etc. Hindu fascists, far-right nationalists etc are called bhakts because of the way they do the same for Modi, the BJP, the RSS and all other such people/organizations.

    Consider Hinduism to be the only good religion (and consider other religions like Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism to be "basically a part of Hinduism"). Hate Muslims and attribute all the atrocities committed by previous Islamic rulers of the Indian Subcontinent to present-day Muslims. Also idealize all the different Hindu kingdoms especially the ones that fought against the Islamic ones (like Marathas).

    Re-appropriate freedom-fighters like Bhagat Singh who was an actual anarchist to being "pro-Hindu". Hate Mahatma Gandhi for all the wrong reasons (i.e. not for his conservative views on gender, sex, marriage, medicine etc; or for his very disturbing practice of sleeping naked with children...look it up). They hate Gandhi because he appeased Muslims and blame him for the creation of Pakistan. Oh yeah, they hate Pakistan. Like...really hate Pakistan. "Go to Pakistan" is their go-to retort to anyone who criticizes India/Hinduism/Modi etc.

    Also, they have a big hard-on for Nazis. The start of modern Hindu fascism is in Nazis and Italian fascism. But, they also love Israel (you can guess why). The far-right Hindus also never fought the British in the Independence struggle, because to them the actual enemy were the Muslims. They consider Indian Muslims to be invaders despite the fact that most have descended from people who were Hindus but converted to Islam and not immigrants. There is a big trend of "ghar wapsi" where they re-convert these Muslims to Hinduism. Also loathe "love jihad" i.e. when a Hindu girl becomes Muslim after marrying a Muslim man.

    What else...I'm sure I'm missing a lot. Oh yeah, they hate the Chinese and black people. Which, of course, also means racism against northeast Indians and south Indians (I only know about north Indian bhakts; there may be differences between bhakts/bhakt-equivalents from other regions). They wanna impose Hindi on all of India, along with a one true version of Hinduism (which is genuinely insane). A frequent discrimination tactic in housing is when societies or localities (collection of houses, apartment buildings etc) say they only sell/rent to vegetarians (which discriminates against Muslims as most of them eat meat). These societies/localities also don't sell/rent to bachelors, or if they do, then they don't allow male residents to bring home female friends, or allow female residents to be outside at night etc. This older, conservative mentality is a whole other topic though it frequently overlaps with the Bhakt mentality. Quite a few bhakts are also creationists (of course not the Christian kind).

    Like all chuds, they hate commies. After Muslims (they accuse all Muslims of being Pakistani agents), and China, their biggest enemy are all leftists, liberals (i.e. the "progressives" who support the neoliberal party, Congress - they are called liberandus = liberal + randu, which comes from randi, the Hindi word for prostitute). Also hate college students (targeting the more left-leaning universities like JNU). And all Indians who espouse "western values" i.e. speaking English, wearing t-shirts/jeans, support LGBTQ etc. On Valentine's Day, they go around finding couples and breaking them up, often also beating up the guys.

    Ok, I'm going to stop now, otherwise I'll just keep on typing.

    • GothWhitlam [he/him]
      4 years ago

      God damn. My mum's ex was exactly like this. Skipped out on her and my little brother (his son) without a word too. Always got chud vibes off the guy, glad to know there is a type. So many loud arguments about Muslims.

      • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Please, this firsthand account into the Chudosphere is one of the most fascinating reads I've had in a while

    • UnironicWarCriminal [any]
      4 years ago

      Lmao, these people are a mix of the zaniest American evangelicals circa 2006 and British gammons/BNP types. Absolutely incredible.

    • jerm [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yes to all that. My friend Bhakti is less bothered by muslims, but thinks/believes/knows that He is superior to all women. He has enslaved his wife.

  • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    The German chud thinks that being anti-mask is the same as being Anne Frank, is convinced that Germany is turning into a rape caliphate, and lives in constant fear of the Greens taking over the government and making cars and meat illegal. None of this is hyperbole.

      • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        That depends on who's watching. There's a lot of the same mask on / mask off dogwhistling that you see with chuds in other countries, lots of "oh you call everybody who disagrees with you a nazi, i'm actually just a normal conservative like Helmut Kohl!" When you dig deeper, there's lots of connections to the neo-nazi scene. But openly calling yourself a fascist is something most people in Germany won't do.

        Of course, there's always exceptions. Atilla Hildmann, former celebrity vegan cook and now the most prominent Covid denier, is always fully mask off, calls himself "ultra-right" (i guess that's the nazi equivalent of a leftcom or smth), and literally thinks he's the reincarnated Adolf Hitler. He also seems to spend a lot of time crying and being afraid that antifa will come for him. And of course, he's also into QAnon and accuses Merkel of abusing children in satanic rituals on this altar that is conveniently located in a museum right across the street from her town house.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Ok going to do a South African one here: The "Boer":

    White Afrikaans farmer who only wears khaki shorts and shirts. Lives on a farm and only goes into farming towns for church and essentials, visits a big city once a year. Drives some lifted truck. Very racist, thinks apartheid was better and votes for the VF+. Either goes to the NGK church (group responsible for editing the bible during apartheid if my memory is correct) or some other reactionary evangelical or reformist church. Usually a boomer or gen X, though some younger people definitely fit the profile.

    • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Man, "Boer's" for the past 20+ years must be in a state of constant paranoia with Apartheid gone.

      • cresspacito [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Some of them live in a heavily armed, all white town where they practice emergency drills for when the black hordes come to rape their wives or something. Fucking weird way to live man

  • sailorfish [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Austria here. Prob someone who lives in the countryside and listens to schlager music lol. Likes beer, likes football, hates "gendern" (women-inclusive language). Maybe still bitches about the Austrian hymn being changed to include the line "Home of great sons and daughters". Definitely did military service over civil service (guys are conscripted to do one or the other here). Convinced that Austria is the real victim in WW2. After all Austria was occupied by Germany, and also his grandpa had it so bad in a Soviet camp smh. Not a Holocaust denier, but irritated that the school curriculum focuses so much on it. Maybe wouldn't start going on about The Jews, but would definitely start going on about The Muslims and maybe The Yugoslavians. Might start going on about The Jews after a few drinks.

  • BookOfTheBread [he/him]
    4 years ago

    England has the Gammon, called so due to their colouring, turning very red when angered by any criticism of the country or past empire. Similar to American counterparts though not as religious but do support the Monarchy.

    • No_Values [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I'd be hesitant to draw a one to one comparison between Gammon and Chud, Gammon conveys a working class character when it is used buy certain people/media

      • BookOfTheBread [he/him]
        4 years ago

        True it does have some classism baked in as it does cover a lot of older reactionary working class men but you do get plenty of middle class gammons so I wouldn't say its a class based insult. Compared to chav it's much less about class than it is about views. It's probably more ageist if anything as it's basically ok boomer and chud merged into one.

        • No_Values [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Compared to chav it’s much less about class than it is about views

          Definitely agree

          Imo Gammon would be closer to Redneck; implying reactionary views and certain occupations(farming, trades respectivley)

      • justlikebart [any]
        4 years ago

        I have to disagree, the archetypal gammon is a middle class guy from the home counties

        This is the meme that started "gammon" as a concept, and you can bet these guys are largely well-off southerners, the fathers of tarquins, they just tend to play up the trappings of working class culture to seem 'in touch' with the common man, in the same way Farage does.

  • Jorick [he/him]
    4 years ago

    In France, we call them "the beaufs", from the words "beau-frère", which means stepbrother in French. I don't know what started it, but there's a cliché that there's always that one guy from your GF's family who just can't help but hold reactionary positions, not caring about anyone or anything but himself. While it's far less political than say, CHUD, a "beauf" can live either in the cities or in the countryside. Beaufs can be of any age, but mostly older, male and white. They typically have very "basic" needs, consume trash-quality media, and clearly have been left behind in terms of education, childhood, healthcare, and so on.

    In the cities, the beaufs are the perfect examples of the lumpenproles, living an average life, working an average job, with an average pay, with an average failing marriage, an average alcoholism, and so on. Basically, he's affected by literally every ill from capitalism, and yet is likely to either be completely apolitical, or to be a fervent nationalist by simply pinning most of it on immigrants and minorities. When it comes to the countryside, the "beauf" lives in a village or small town that has been decimated by globalization, where no one is left but the elders. The beauf wants a return to the glory days, and to traditions, which were destroyed by modernity and globalization. Both kind of beaufs are likely to hold very xenophobic attitudes, especially against people from other cultural backgrounds or ethnicities, and will without the shadow of a doubt vote Le Pen.

    If this sounds like a painful portrayal, it's because this is the case. I will never hate these people, because I can't. They're victims, unlike macronists who absolutely know what they're doing, but simply do not care. Macronists are the exact equivalent to the American democrat, with the same false sense of moral and intellectual superiority found in literally every single neolib the world over. My only hope is that even the most miserable "beauf" is far more economically left-wing than the American chud, and that one day, they'll finally get it, and fight capitalism with us.

    • duderium [he/him]
      4 years ago

      American here, and Francophile / every-country-phile. It’s always astounding to me that France has chuds. Americans have this weird relationship with France where we think that you suck (always cracking jokes about how you haven’t won a war in forever—project much?), but also think that you rule (sipping wine for two hours every day for lunch while arguing endlessly about philosophers we haven’t even heard of). I romanticize the French countryside as a region of spectacular natural beauty, and Paris as the city of light and love, but I also know that it’s all full of reactionaries. Just had to comment like the idiot American that I am.

      • Jorick [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I mean, I once had this vision too when I was like 10 years younger, so don't feel ashamed to view positively a country that is viewed positively in the media. There's a good reason the Paris syndrome exists though, because behind the magnificent pictures and reputation for a fine way of life, France is what it is : a fading social democracy, and an ex-colonial empire trying desperately to maintain its geopolitical relevance. looking more and more like the USA every day. Our economy has suffered the exact same fate as the US' : brutal deindustralization, loss of competitiveness, high unemployment and poverty rate, only aleviated by the ever-disappearing safety nets (which isn't the case in the US because there are none lmao). But really, I'd genuinely like people to stop thinking we are living in some kind of paradise, as some kind of aetheral beings, or on the opposite side of things, that we're just some lazy, surrendering frogs who never stop rioting for some reason.

        Stereotypes, positive or negatives must always be destroyed to gain a better understanding of the world. No one is ever free of propaganda and stereotypes, for example, I used to first love Americans, then absolutely hated this country with my guts, before getting finally more knowledgeable with the anglosphere as a whole through my studies. The reality, while still sad, is far more complex, and leaves quite a room for hope. It's good that you're trying to destroy your pre- conceived notions though, not a lot of people are capable of that.

        • duderium [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Well, the riots are really cool. That's not something that I think should stop.

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    4 years ago

    the Danish CHUD is a boomer who lives out in the rural parts of Jutland, with a lot of them concentrated near the German border. They all hate "immigrants" but can never agree with each other what kind of immigrants they don't actually like. If you ask the people around the border, they are deathly afraid of either Polish or Romanian or Baltic people and generally consider them to be all thieves. However if you ask the ones in the other parts of the country, its all the middle eastern and north african 3rd generation immigrants who are the downfall of western civilisation. They seem to blame their lack of retirement funds on these brown people, because its easier than accepting that taking out a 2nd and 3rd mortgage to buy a boat was probably a bad idea.

    Regarding the geographical part of my post, I'm basing it mostly on my experiences growing up in a rich suburb near a major city on the west coast.

  • Barabas [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Since the generic chud is a lot like the Danish one I thought I'd go into Raggare, which is a specific and unique subsection of chud for Sweden. Two specimens pictured here. Now, if you're not Swedish you may be confused by the confederate flags and general american imagery, but it is a subculture that happens when greasers, rockabilly and good ol' boys have a confusing and repugnant baby. They have an impressive staying power as they've been around since the 60's.

    They are mostly a rural phenomenon, and it is a culture which at its most innocent is based around an enthusiasm for tinkering with cars. It started out being mostly muscle cars, but these days it is any given car. Their free time is usually spent "cruising", which means driving up and down the main street of a town blaring metal, dad rock or rockabilly themed music. I recall this kind of stuff being popular as well, since that would attract girls around the age of 15. Noncing is absolutely part of the appeal, at least for the ones I used to encounter. These days they often just stand still on a parking lot though, since gas is expensive.

    Politically speaking, they are likely to be the right wing regressives of rural areas, which traditionally were dominated either by the succdems or the left party, but they've slowly been usurped by Sverigedemokraterna in recent years. Economically they tend to be pro-welfare state, but they only want it for white people. Your run of the mill reactionary mindset, anti-gay, misogynistic and racist (and by racist, I mean against anyone other than WASPS, scandinavians and Germans). They are however not religious in the least.

    I tend to have more sympathy than I think I should for them, since at some level it is a rebellion against the swedish culture of conformity and tend to come from dead end dying towns. But then I remember that they would chase down and beat up gay kids and foreign kids and tended to be close friends of the dedicated nazis, and I get over it.

    • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      these days it is any given car.

      The longer i watch, the sillier it gets. It's like an infinite fractal of absurdity, and i don't even know what besök means.

      • Barabas [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That is just a parking sign for visitors. Putting hay bales on your roof is the most baffling trend though. It is definetly a thing but I never quite understood why it became a thing.

        Some more examples: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    4 years ago

    In Ireland we have really Catholic people who live in the countryside, go to mass every day, and consider a trip to Centra the highlight of our week because rural Ireland is depressing as fuck. They're mostly ineffective, but they're know for their hate of the Traveler communities, Eastern Europeans and general dislike of LGBTQ+. We don't really have a term for them, other than shitbag. There's "Culchie", but that's just used to refer to anyone from the countryside, its like our version of a redneck. Fascists are basically a joke because Irish people have spent the past few millennia being considered inferior to other white people, which only ended in the past century.

  • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Hungary: Almost always a football fan that argues not all football fans are nazis, blames every violent crime on Roma people, Putting stickers of pre-1920 Hungary on the back of their 30 year old Suzuki, listen to Nazi rock and roma pop (?) in unison, they hate all our neighbours, usually over 50, is very concerned that they will be gulaged if Fidesz isn't in power and hates gender terrorism and pronouns, even though hungarian language doesn't have gendered pronouns.

  • an_engel_on_earth [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    in the russosphere theres two terms: ватник and поцреот. The first term was initially introduced in 2011 and gained steam in 2014 during euromaidan and the Crimean annexation when it was used to denote people, mainly Russians, who unquestioningly toed the Kremlin line. The second is a bastardization of the word "patriot" and basically means the same thing, maybe with a little more jingoism involved. Well actually it's a little more expansive, since it can be used in other national contexts, whereas ватник is somewhat exclusively applicable to russia. Usually it's used to denote a lumpen, who probably drives a soviet produced car, drinks like a fucking fish, says he's very orthodox but isn't rly all that pious. He's very into conspiracy theories and thinks the State department is behind everything (tbf not that far off). He also loves pinning the st George's ribbon wherever he can

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    The average Finns Party voter isn't likely to be very religious, but they're very vocal and angry every time they read about some primary or middle school somewhere omitting a religious hymn from their end of semester ceremonies or a mosque being built somewhere and flock to the comment sections of one or both of our tabloids to post furious comments laden with grammatical and spelling mistakes. They believe native white Swedes will be decapitated and or raped by roving bands of ISIS terrorists if they so much as set foot into Malmö and are terrified the same supposed islamisation that's ruined Denmark and Sweden will soon be coming to Finland. In addition to islamisation, they're also very concerned about a parallel process they've named "homo-isation"

    20 years ago your average angry nationalist type would've likely been very anti-Russian and all about demanding the return of Karelia to Finland, but these days the ultimate evil in their cosmology is the EU and Russia is seen as more of the last sane country on the continent that hasn't been been ruined by n-words and f*gs. More than anything, they want a return to the 80s where men were men, women were women and the only foreigners you saw were on TV.

    The above applies to the late thirties to early sixties type of Finns voter, the party also has a youth wing which seems to be full of insane Nick Fuentes type pepe ethnonationalists

    • threshold [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I agree, I've met some lovely bogans. Gronk is a terrific term for those right wing lunatics.

      I think a common trend in this thread is thanks to being westernised most of our far right movements have huge american influences. I've seen MAGA hats an hour out of Sydney, there's a lot of coverage of far right rallies with American rhetoric (who are treated very politely by police).