If they've managed to exist for 5 millennia, they're doing something right, you lil .2 millennia country that's about to fall apart. Also, America calling other countries thieves is OMEGALUL
If we're using the metric of the lifespan of Chinese civilization which has cycled through shorter-lived regimes and empires, American "civilization" would clock in as approximately 0.4 of a millennium old. OR if we consider it an extension with "western civilization", the continuity goes back about 2.5 millennia, though still a lot younger regardless.
If they've managed to exist for 5 millennia, they're doing something right, you lil .2 millennia country that's about to fall apart. Also, America calling other countries thieves is OMEGALUL
If we're using the metric of the lifespan of Chinese civilization which has cycled through shorter-lived regimes and empires, American "civilization" would clock in as approximately 0.4 of a millennium old. OR if we consider it an extension with "western civilization", the continuity goes back about 2.5 millennia, though still a lot younger regardless.