let's do this
“Made America great already”
These are the people telling you “defund the police” is bad marketing
I mean Biden’s slogan was Build Back Better which sounds worse than Milania’s Be Best anti-bullying campaign.
Well if they really want to be so good writers they should write an arc where communism wins and we all live happily ever after.
I don't even need a credit
come on you've been hyping up this revolution plotline so long just give us closure already
Opened the thread, hit CTRL+F, typed in "Literally Blue Maga." Keep up the good work.
Make tshirts of voldemort with mcconnels face and you'll never have to work again
Fuck me, neolibs are the worst at slogans ever. Seriously guys, the obvious choice is "Make America Better" but you can't even do that because it would imply you were going to improve something. Heaven forbid you do your jobs.
Edit: Ffs they can't even make the prison slogan catchy. How hard would it be to have #lockhimup it writes itself you morons
The problem with MAGA hat parodies is that most of the time you don't even look to read the words on the hat and you just assume the person wearing it is a Trump supporter.
you heard the leader libs, america is great already so dont ask for M4A, defund the police, or a stimulus check
I'm curious to see how libs rewire their brains to explain "well actually it was good that Biden pardoned Trump because (insert lib malarkey here)"
it's much more likely a grifter who's funneling money to his own pocket
I am... concerned and confused. They're ACTUALLY trying to co-opt the blue MAGA shtick? Do... Do they believe in literally anything? I assumed libs at the very least believed in "trump bad" but... what the fuck
Is this what is was like back in 2016 when Trump supporters started referring to themselves as "Deplorables"?
Is this what is was like back in 2016 when Trump supporters started referring to themselves as “Deplorables”?
At least that kind of makes sense, because the idea is that an out of touch old ghoul is calling you mean names so it doesn't mean anything and you can just be proud to have upset the out of touch old ghoul. This is more like if trump people had started calling themselves cucks because that was what they were using to insult their opposition.
Yes. They have no actual driving beliefs other than making money and getting power. They know that idiots will buy this merch, and beg to do it.
People who spend every dollar they have on stupid shit have all the influence because it's mutually beneficial. Obvious shit like this attracts suckers and discourages people who see politics as a struggle over resources instead of a lifestyle brand.
"Leftists" rushing to defend AOC's fun merch drops are the same suckers, and a big reason why popular progressive causes go nowhere.