• ConstipationNation [he/him]
    4 years ago

    AES was never supposed to be an independent Kurdistan, the PYD/YPG line has always been that they seek an autonomous region within a federalized Syria. The whole idea that they were/are trying to build an independent Kurdish state came from both anti-Kurdish propaganda and Western analysts who refused to try to understand the revolution in depth and on its own terms and instead made generalizations about it being a nationalist project.

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, I've read both Bookchin and Ocalan, so I'm aware of the extra national nature of DFNS.

      I'm trying to say that even though Assad is an ass, he's not half as genocidal as Erdogan, so some concessions to him would have left them in a stronger position

      That said they had shitty decisions to make and I cant blame them for trying to hold out defese integration as long as possible, even if it cost them Afrin.