• ConstipationNation [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The US pulling out of Syria is good for both Rojava and Syria at large. That means Rojava can’t be used as a balkanizing agent, and negotiations with the Syrian Gov. can, have, and are happening to end the war and boot the fuck out of Syria Turkey and its Jihadi puppets.

    To add to this point, I think if the US really wanted to balkanize Syria they would have to destroy the leftist elements of Rojava first, because I don't think the leadership of Rojava would ever go so far as to let themselves be used as puppets to carve a Kurdish nation state out of Syria. They see themselves as part of the broader democratic opposition to Assad and their ultimate goal is to implement a democratic, federal system of government in Syria.

    Last year a Kurdish delegation to Washington got screamed at by State Department Officials for not wanting to ally with the Jihadist elements in Syria that the US also supports but the Kurds didn't budge: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/exclusive-inside-state-departments-meltdown-kurds-90241

    If the US continues to stay in Syria under Biden and decides it really wants to go all in and create a Kurdish state they'll probably try to get the current leftist leadership of Rojava overthrown somehow and replaced with the right-wing ENKS party. I know that Rojava has been accused by Western foreign policy think tanks of being an authoritarian PKK dictatorship, so the propaganda groundwork for such an operation has already been laid.

    The US has also been sponsoring Kurdish unity talks between the Rojava leadership and the Kurdish-nationalist opposition, so they might use those talks to pressure Rojava to weaken the confederalist Autonomous Administration system and implement liberal style elections that the US could then influence in order to get the leftist Kurdish leadership replaced at the ballot box.