Sincerely, do not read this if your mental stability is tenuous. Basically details the numerous factors, environmental and otherwise, that are all pointing to societal collapse by the 2040s. I could barely get through it without feeling nauseous. There's some minor liberalism regarding China but it's more of a footnote than major focus.

  • Azarova [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Yeah that scene is definitely the one that has stuck with me. The other thing that movie does so well is that in the beginning, as people go about their normal lives, you can hear in the background on radios and TVs reports of tensions beginning to rise and no one is paying attention. No one notices whats actually happening until the shooting starts. Kinda feels like the same thing but at a slower pace with climate change, like it's some vague, hypothetical far future that most people aren't paying attention to.