Good night libs 😂

  • foxodroid [she/her]
    4 years ago

    i don't get the hate and lib accusations. There were only 2 takes i disagreed with that i'd define as lib, first is the electoralism video but whatever i get the sentiment. fair enough you know?

    The second one, was the justice video in the part about cycles of violence. She mentions a certain conflict she won't name but "we're expected to pick a side in" where each side hurts the other, so the other retaliates and it repeats forever.

    ...It's Palestine. That's the smug, centrist (mind numbingly dumb) way Zionists and shit libs speak about Palestine. I heard that phrasing word for word hundreds of times.

    Anyway lost my respect for her at that exact point. But i still acknowledge it's just one mistake from MANY of videos and there's still value in what she says, regardless of whether i think she's awful on colonialism.

    Come to think of it, Philosophy tube had a garbage take on Palestine too in his antisemitism video (criticism of Israel "can" be antisemitic especially when you're neither Arab not Jewish) . It poisoned the rest for me despite it being good.

      • foxodroid [she/her]
        4 years ago

        He just erases that and plays into a status quo that harms a lot of Jews all just to be extra careful he does not get canceled

        Well he succeeded didn't he? No one ever gets cancelled over Palestine. H3H3 still have their video calling Palestinians terrorist, Ramallah a "terrorist town" with Hila bragging about illegally raiding a Palestinian house there just because she wanted to experience it. Compared to that his Israel apologia is child's play.

        Don't be surprised though. My comment pointing out to that got removed. It had a high number of likes and the conversation going in the replies was really interesting because I got to see the opinions of anti Zionist Jews for once. No idea why. We were all respectful. So it surprised me when it got removed.

        Can't say I walked out of that with the same amount of respect for Ollie. I can't make sense of how the same guy who introduced me to Frantz Fanon and made that antifa video pulled the "criticism of Israel anti-Semitism" bullshit. What happened to his understanding of fascism all of a sudden?

          • foxodroid [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Even if he didn't discuss the difference the "focusing on Israeli crimes alone while not being Palestinian or Jewish can be a sign of antisemitism" is objectively a bad take. All that does is smear BDS allies and make people afraid to stand up for Palestine. A criticism of a state is only bigoted if

            a) it's a fabrication meant to dehumanize them, their race, or religion's adherents. For example Iran used armies of children to clear our land mines by stepping on them.

            b) it's a reasonable criticism used to support racist or fascist ends. Like saying Sharia law is bad for women and LGBT people therefore if Iran votes wrong we're entitled to nuke it, à la Sam Harris.

            One of my favorite things Michael Brooks said was when he responded in a Q&A that “So it’s not a complex issue, that’s the big thing, super simple”

            God i miss Michael so fucking much. Why did he have to go so young.