With testing of the SINOPHARM vaccine being conducted across the globe with diverse ethnic groups receiving the vaccine, it's been found out that the Chinese vaccine's fucking blowing out America's shit
Well America doesnt need an effective vaccine if so many people already built immunity the old fashioned way. Chinese people didnt even put in the effort to get covid, and now their government needs to make up for it with an incredibly effective vaccine. Communism fails once again
As if the US will ever see this vaccine. I wouldn't be surprised if China starts attempting to spread this vaccine across the globe as a measure of both global goodwill and also because vaccinating the world effectively also helps keep China safe.
And then I wouldn't be surprised if the US flexes its ridiculous military might to ensure that the Pfizer vaccine is forced into countries where it's less effective, thus ensuring that the global poor have to suffer covid forever.
Death to America.
Selling the vaccine at gunpoint, this must be why Neera was brought on board
This sounds really hopeful, it doesn’t have the low temperature requirements of us/uk vaccines, so it would be really good for global distribution :)
I have retracted the post I was about to make for being too horny
Ah, time for the anti-vaxxing craze to spread from ableist moms to racist redditors. :this-is-fine:
Hope it works that well, the other vaccines that have reached stage 3 can't be distributed to a lot of the world due to that they need to be kept at really low temperatures.