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  • Classic_Agency [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    This seems like a really dumb thing to do honestly. You are going to simply split your consumers amongst the different shows so that each one is less profitable that it otherwise would be. Then you are going to run out of content in 5 years time when all of these shows wrap up and everyone is tired of it. Its absolutely going to be a boom-bust cycle

      • Amorphous [any]
        4 years ago

        Holy shit, 2009:

        Guitar Hero 5

        Guitar Hero: Smash Hits

        Band Hero

        Guitar Hero: Metallica

        Guitar Hero: Van Halen

        Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits

        Guitar Hero Arcade

        Guitar Hero III Backstage Pass

        So technically 8 games in 2009. And that was after 6 games in 2008. Mind blown.

        • Aube [they/them]
          4 years ago

          I remember on tour that shit was so ass

          You had to have like a grip that you put on top of your DS, and it only had like four buttons

          Terrible game

        • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
          4 years ago

          You know, I've actually been playing guitar for over a decade now because of that game. Thanks guitar hero.

        • OhWell [he/him]
          4 years ago

          also, owning the first two/three games just made everyone in your extended family go “well that’s cute, but why don’t you learn a REAL instrument” causing everyone to drop the series like a hot potato out of embarrassment in order to pick up 4 months of guitar lessons, then quit that too.

          Saw this too in my teen years over Guitar Hero. For about a year, all my friends suddenly wanted to play guitar, then they gave up after the summer.

          I kinda had a soft spot for the first game, cause before that, I was just a Metal head. Guitar Hero introduced me to David Bowie, The Ramones and Edgar Winter. Suddenly I had these awesome classic rock songs I was hearing which led me to go and look for albums by Bowie and others, which radically steered my musical interests in new directions and learned stuff outside heavy metal on guitar.

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Guitar Hero also had to compete with Rock Band at the time; a game franchise that took their formula, expanded it into multiple instruments and did everything much better.

    • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      This seems like a really dumb thing to do honestly.

      For Star Wars, it's just escalation of commitment at this point. They tried to replicate the economic success of the MCU by milking their IP as hard as they can, but they never cashed out as much as they had hoped to, and their solution to that is to just dump more and more money into the franchise. If you figure in the marketing costs (which nowadays usually run as high as the movie's actual budget), Solo was a massive flop, and the last two main movies did pretty meh as well. If you combine that with the billions they paid Lucas for the IP, it looks like a real shitty investment they made. I could see it working out for them in the long run if they focus on using shows like The Mandalorian to prop up Disney +, and the merch revenue is obviously nothing to scoff at, either, but more Star Wars movies in theaters seem like a giant money sink to me. Playing it safe and giving the people a normal Star Wars movie that hits all the beats you expect from a normal Star Wars movie and doesn't dare to focus on unexplored parts of the setting and the lore doesn't work any longer, it's too obviously boilerplate and everybody but the most fanatic fanbois is fed up with that.

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The problem is, Star Wars is such a limited IP. it truly is a small universe when it's all said and done. The original trilogy was written entirely around Joseph Campbell's set up of The Hero's Journey. It does a great job with that. Lucas made the universe small by setting the prequels just 20 years before the first movie, and the prequels are absolutely god awful movies. It wasn't until 2015 we started seeing all these articles pushing "actually, the prequels are good!" before that, they were universally mocked for being so poorly written, and rightfully so. But the bottom line is, the entire Star Wars universe revolves around one dysfunctional family, a few of their friends and their drama. Take the Skywalkers and Solos out of it, and it's just generic Sci Fi with cool looking aesthetics here and there.

        Star Wars fans love to scream about how the universe is supposedly so big, but all the good Expanded Universe stuff follows the same tropes - Jedi, lightsabers, tie fighters, super weapons, mysterious underling to Palpatine we never heard about, etc etc. I loved the first KOTOR game, but it follows all the tropes and themes of the original trilogy beat for beat, right down to having a Vader-esque villain with a mask and a big Death Star-like superweapon at the end. Maybe that's why KOTOR worked so well, it understood Star Wars and didn't try to be something it wasn't, like the god awful prequels.

        I think this is going to backfire on them hard and cause serious burn out. One of the spinoff projects is literally out of another spinoff - the Andor character out of Rogue One. I completely forgot he existed cause those characters were so one dimensional and poorly written.

        Star Wars really is just a small IP though at the end of the day. You can only do so much with lightsabers, tie fighters, x-wings, Jedi, Sith, smugglers, bounty hunters, Empire and Rebels.

        • anastrace [she/her,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          They could do more with Star Wars, but that would require them to actually create something different that wasn't related to the originals, and creativity ain't exactly their forte

          • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
            4 years ago

            Love how capitalism can allow these multimedia conglomerates to accumulate billions of dollars and a huge workforce but they still can't manage to shit out an original idea with all those resources because it all has to be focus grouped I guess

        • Parzivus [any]
          4 years ago

          KOTOR 2 will always be my favorite star wars game for the villain's motivation being "it's kinda fucked up that we keep having massive wars with millions dead every time a dozen Jedi have an argument, what if we just killed the Force?"
          Then she dies and Disney makes a hundred movies