Buy a gun if you’re comfortable with it folks

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    4 years ago

    can't buy one unfortunately for legal reasons. as an upstanding (some, conditional) rights restored second class citizen I would never dream of having such an implement in proximity to my person or within my domicile as per penal code 4429-J.

  • Juche_Gang [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Buying a gun won't do anything if you don't have the backing of a party. Cops aren't killers because they have guns, they're killers because they have tons of other cops backing them up and if you don't have something similar then a gun is more dangerous to you than right wing violence like the reinhol case. You don't have the support of the state and the laws, those things don't work for the left, only in a right direction. Don't get me wrong, I have guns but I freely admit that they're pure hobby and nothing to do with defence.

  • truth [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Everyone is always saying to buy guns, but honestly the only time it's gonna help you is if you're dealing with proud boys or some volunteer fascist street gang. Maybe.

    • Juche_Gang [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      It's the hopes and prayers of leftlibs, they just say that stuff so they don't have to think about Marxist political organizing, it's lifestyleism and terminal liberalism.

    • opposide [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Would be a shame if we spammed ads with ammo available for reasonable prices on resale forums using scalpers phone numbers

    • MaximumDestruction [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The cost of ARs has plummeted in the last few years. Several gun manufacturers have flooded the market with the goal of getting rifles into as many hands as possible to pre-empt any attempt to do buybacks or whatever spooky confiscation shit they've convinced themselves is coming any day now.

        • MaximumDestruction [he/him]
          4 years ago

          For sure. When you throw in the ammo you're getting down to a price I don't think you can even find a new AR for right now. At this point you could maybe build it on the cheap for $450 if you took your time finding parts on sale but it'd probably take a while.