Capitalists can just be like “dude look at this NPR article socialism is bad”

Meanwhile I have to have an extensive understanding of philosophy, history, science, economics and politics in order to justify my worldview.

Sometimes I forget that people don’t have comprehensive world views, and accidentally say something’s CIA propaganda, then have to go through that whole process of explaining how the CIA having fronts and interfering in global affairs isn’t a conspiracy, it’s just reality, and that finding sources about it isn’t the same as finding sources for an 8th grade book report, because it’s the goddamn CIA! Shits exhausting and sucks balls, I just want to be dumb I know I’m right bitch, get off my dick

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah all my co-workers are into anti-vax shit now and I can't argue effectively against the loudest and most confident conspiracy theorist because I have zero expertise in medicine and virology.

    • ChairmanAtreides [he/him]
      4 years ago

      tell him the globalists dont want him to take the vaccine because Trump made a deal with Pfizer to include 5g immunity in the vaccine which is why they rigged the election

        • raven [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I've been doing this recently, countering bullshit with an equal level of counter-bullshit and by god does it work well. I've spent so many hours playing the "you go low I go high" game but it isn't worth it. When libs hit you with a "human nature" hit them with an equally unfounded "human nature", like native american tribes or how families work. It doesn't matter what it is or even if you believe a word of it. There's not a thing they can say that doesn't apply to their own human nature argument also, so it forces them back into the realm of material arguments.

          It sounds like nerdy debate club shit, but honestly just try it. It works.