CDPR bad

  • johnnycastaway [any]
    4 years ago

    I'm not a g*mer so I have next to no clue what I'm talking about but aren't nearly all games released broken, or bugged to some degree with the intent of fixing it in post?

    It sounds like it isn't just this company but almost all of them, this one being the most recent and blatant?

    • Washburn [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Some nerds had a really high opinion of CDPR because of The Witcher 3, its high level of polish in post-launch patches, and its free dlc. Posts about Cyberpunk are partially dunking on them. But I've also heard that, after TW3 came out, a bunch of devs left due to bad working conditions making Cyberpunk.

      A lot of modern games, mostly big AAA releases like Cyberpunk, are basically held together by duct tape and zip ties at launch. Cyberpunk is an especially bad launch, because it's got especially bad technical issues, because it's kind of a mediocre game, and it's coming from a studio whose fans expected a lot from them.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah. It's one of those things where the game as it exists can't be fixed. It's so utterly broken that it should have never been released, or it should have been released for free alongside them open sourcing their engine.

        • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
          4 years ago

          I wouldn't say it is unfixable, but it definitely should have been held back for at least another YEAR of development. The setting and environment have a LOT of potential to develop a really deep and rich canon. Wholesome 100 Keanu Reeves aside, the plot reaches a new level of darkness I haven't seen much in pop media aside from Black Mirror.

          The problem is, there is not much more than the plot. You run through the plot, and there is little rewarding gameplay left. It's not like GTA5 where you can do all sorts of heists and races and whatnot. The environment is far less interactive, the police don't even chase you in vehicles, driving off road is like trying to drive an RC car on a trampoline with a bunch of kids jumping up and down. Worst of all though, is after building up such a rich world with 80 years of intriguing alternate history, there is very little offered in the way of exploring that history. It is like if you did J.R.R. Tolkien level world building only to write a short story.

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Cyberpunk is cool, and I think that Pondsmith really poured his heart into the world. They just didn't deliver the goods. My main reasoning for it being unfixable is that there are just so many fundamentally game breaking bugs that they basically need to rebuild the entire game to get it working.

      • Young_Lando [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Bethesda refuses to spend time just updating the actual engine they run their bullshit on, so ofc if you develop a game on an engine like a decade old ur gonna cap out at what is fucking possible.

        Bethesda had the money and time too, they're just greedy assholes that wanted to drop schlock on a schedule like they're Marvel

        • Torenico [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I'm happy to see Bethesda crash and burn, piece of shit company. Fo76 had literally the same bugs Skyrim had at launch (well tbh, some Skyrim bugs have never been fixed by Bethesda, this is when the community comes in and fixes it for Bethesda, for free), all that for 60 dollars and some fucking 100 dollars season pass or early access shit?

          • Young_Lando [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            They not only had the same bugs, they left in all of their developer tools so ppl hacked the game like a million times with shit Bethesda left laying around.

            • Torenico [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Yeah, it's fucking insane. Remember when the game broke on new year's day? You couldn't make that shit up, that cursed game had at least one disaster per month.

              I wonder why it's so quiet now..

                • 389aaa [it/its]
                  4 years ago

                  It has plenty of players, they just managed to fix most of the egregious bugs and stopped doing mindmeltingly stupid things. So there's no real reason for gaming media to talk about the 2 year old pusedo-mmo anymore.

                  The big update that added NPCs, Wastelanders, was actually really well received. The game still has fundamental issues with how it's like, designed, but it's actually a pretty ok fallout game now. Better than Brotherhood of Steel for sure.

    • Torenico [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Game was insanely overhyped, as if this was going to be the next super game, the best of all time. Turns out it's kinda.. meh? I mean the game itself is not bad but the bugs are insane. It is like this because publishers have set unrealistic deadlines, they just want to cash in this fucking game and be done with it and so the developers have to work overtime for that.

      If it had a proper development it would have been much better, but further delays were needed and the g*mers don't really like that, execs either.