Apart from this article, I have to say it was quite an experience having Christmas yesterday and all my family talked about was the $2,000 checks. Trump comes out of this looking like the good guy after more than one Dem has publicly talked about how bad this would be.

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Why are the right wing going to be against Biden's austerity?

    • Wogre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Likeliest outcome is that won't talk about it directly but through dogwhistles about its consequences vis a vis immigrants or minorities or "undesirables." Though I do worry that some ghoul will have enough brain cells to address class struggle in direct language a.k.a. going Strasserite. Fascists always appropriate leftist rhetoric, and with the Dems orienting themselves as the party of well-off college educated and suburbanites the field is wide open for it. Trump did it in his own hackneyed dumb way, all it takes is switching your lingo from "socilaist antifa democrats" to "wealthy and rootless cosmopolitan elites."

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Why wouldn't they be?

      If you pay attention to how conservatives attack Biden, it's always through talk about him raising taxes. They started this before he even won, and now they are really going to ramp it up. Through austerity measures, it's always the poor who foot the bill for paying higher taxes while the wealthy get a bail out. The Republicans aren't stupid with how they attack Biden for this. It's going to work cause he has no filter in running his mouth and saying the wrong things. Biden don't play the empty platitudes or identity politics that previous Dems would use in efforts of pandering. Hillary at least did this, and he's no where as charismatic and charming as Obama.

      The GOP raked in their most votes from minorities and working class households since the 1950s in this election.

      The last time we had a recession, it spawned a right wing movement in the Tea Party.

      This time around it's going to be worse cause we are looking at a great depression and people are getting desperate and disillusioned with the system. They already were disillusioned by it around 2015 when Trump began to rise and come around. Biden is a return to the status quo. His failures and the mass austerity he wants to push, absolutely will invoke a right wing backlash.

      • OgdenTO [he/him]
        4 years ago

        You said austerity, not raising taxes. One would think that ideologically the talking heads on the right will support cuts to "socialist programs".

        The working class on the right won't care about social cuts - unless they are told to -which is a possibility.

        If he raises taxes as well as cutting programs thats where the issue that you're talking about appears. However austerity doesn't necessarily mean tax increases.

        • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Austerity is combining spending cuts with revenue increases. Raise taxes for everyone and cut benefits for the poor. EU playbook

          • OgdenTO [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Austerity is the attempt to raise government funds. This is through reducing spending by cutting services, raising taxes, or both. It can be a combination but not necessarily. The EU playbook doesn't apply - instead look at how the American right have done austerity - spending cuts and tax cuts - because tax cuts are the ultimate neoliberal goal