• Jorick [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Give everyone what they deserve. Some fascists get a cbance at rehabilitation after reeducation, since most of them are some misguided, heavily brainwashed young men, and could end up becoming fierce supporters of socialism if they were to be stripped of their racist and xenophobic bullshit; the rest get sent to work camps. Neolibs and conservatives are fucking hopeless and better not get in the way, and thus must be watched until they finally go with the new flow, if they dare to do anything fishy, off to the gulags. Libs are irrelevant as always. Billionaires and world/military leaders get their Nuremberg, and go straight to the guillotine. Almost no exceptions considering the amount of horrors they unleashed on the world. Also, their wealth is collectivized, to be redistributed to those who have nothing left, and used to rebuild society (industrial capabilities, infrastructure, housing, so on...), or at least, to make sure there are no widespread issues like starvation or epidemics that'd arise in the wake of the revolution.

    After the trials, nation-building would come. Firstly, we'd need show the crimes of capitalism, and I mean all of them. Showing the horrific truth needs to be done if we wish to progress beyond it. The second step would be to find a common ground with other socialists, no matter their ideologies, because there's been too much blood spilled over that shit, and that's what got us here. Having to make compromises is never easy nor fun, but it's better than getting lined up against a wall by the inevitable counter-coup, what happened countless times must not happen again. Speaking of counter-revolution, enemies of the people must be found, and dealt with accordingly, as previously stated. The military, police and intelligence agencies must imperatively be purged, same goes for the disloyal elements within the bureaucracy, which could either be swayed with a place in the government in exchange for their loyalty, or dismissed. In fact, that's one of the first steps not to end up coup'd, letting too reactionaries in positions of power before having our guys ready to fully take the reins is a recipe for disaster. The solidification of socialist rule would also entail the massive redistribution of the belongings of the bourgeoisie, and the creation of a decent welfare state for a change, with incredible concepts such as healthcare, free education, basic material rights, and so on...

    Then would come the details, since the state is secured, with a loyal military, a supportive coalition and population, and a rebuilt state. The issue of decentralization would be the first one, alongside the organization of the economy. In my eyes, the state should run essential stuff, like nationalized transport, water, energy, military production and so on, while the consumer/more refined goods and services are mostly left to cooperatives, which get some support from the state if need be. The state should be unitary, but decentralized, with accomodations towards minorities if necessary. Political parties should be tied to unions, and thus would be tied to workplaces, which in turn are tied to the workers, which would deprive the bourgeoisie and the boomers from their right to dictate the future of the nation. Large programs for automation should be put in place to phase-out human labour, with both generous unemployment and pensions for the workers replaced by the machines. Said workers would need to be offered with free training in any field they want, because no matter what, there's going to be quite a lot of work to be done. Scientists should be reached, and incorporated into the leadership, because technocracy isn't inherently bad, and is compatible with socialism.

    Something would need to be done about culture and entertainment too. We'd need to have a cultural revolution in a way, without destroying precious artifacts that is. What I mean is that the media should reflect the world, be less centered on personalities or vapid shit. "Reality TV" needs to fucking go, alongside most of the current mass media. The "capitalism encourages innovation" meme is so prevalent because of how much things started to suck in the last 30 years, removing its influence would finally allow a new generation of artists to flourish. The press should actually be free, as in, not owned by a few oligarchs who dictate everything. Its funding should come through taxes and sales. The focus of life would need to be changed after centuries of propaganda, because life isn't about competition, accumulation and crushing your neighbour. Cooperation should be emphasized first and foremost, and I think this alone would prove to be the hardest thing to unlearn for 99% of non-socialists. The state should adopt a secular stance, and completely separate religion from the state. Religions and their influence would need to be curbed, with sects and cults to be entirely destroyed. Scientology being the best example of why I'm thinking this. Other superstitions such as Astrology should be illegal, that's it.

    Then, what's left to think of is mostly international stuff. Just uh, don't exploit others and stop droning civilians ? Dunno, that's just a guess. Creating a new, somehow working internationale would be a huge step towards a better and united humanity, with the rest of the world slowly ditching capitalism.

    God I fucking wish. I fucking wish I lived in anything else but this capitalistic hellhole of a world.

      • Jorick [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Unironically, I wouldn't be a commie if I could simply grill in peace, without capitalism existing.

    • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      Billionaires and world/military leaders get their Nuremberg, and go straight to the guillotine. Almost no exceptions considering the amount of horrors they unleashed on the world.

      Honestly, I'm still pretty strongly against a post-revolutionary organization, whether it be officially a state or otherwise, engaging in organized killing of anyone if that person could be safely tucked away somewhere without being a threat to the revolution. Ethically, I don't see the point in revenge-based murder. If the revolution is effective, these people shouldn't be any kind of threat. The necessity of killing is a purely utilitarian one for me, so I'm only concerned about what these people can do going forward. I get that emotionally some people are fixated on brutal violent justice, but I don't think thats a healthy path for a revolution to go down if it can be avoided.

      I wouldn't die on this hill. I'd do what I could to advocate for my position, but I recognize that its a fight I'm probably not going to win. And I wouldn't mourn these people when they are dead. I just have strong feelings about the idea that state (or organized society that technically isn't a state) killing is a bad idea ethically no matter how monstrous the person.

      I seperated this from the Survivor comment because that one is trivial lol.

      • Elyssius [he/him]
        4 years ago

        How exactly is a revolution going to be so successful that billionaires and their reactionary followers won't try to organize a counter-revolution?

          • Elyssius [he/him]
            4 years ago

            So you do agree that they need to be at least purged, correct?

            • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
              4 years ago

              Not sure what purged means in this context. My preference would be that they be isolated from society in reasonably comfortable conditions, and definitely not allowed to have a platform. I also believe all justice should at least try to be reformative, though I admit I don't think it would work on most of them. I just think its the ethically correct thing to try to.

              • Elyssius [he/him]
                4 years ago

                When I use the term purge, I mean to remove them from a position of power or influence, attempt to deradicalize their reactionary tendencies, or lock them up if absolutely necessary

    • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      “Reality TV” needs to fucking go, alongside most of the current mass media.

      If you take away my Survivor I will betray the revolution.

      Kidding of course but please don't take away my Survivor.

      • Jorick [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Dunno what the hell is "survivor" lmao, I mostly refer to the ones where actors or very, very fucking dumb folks are put together somewhere and are made to provide entertainment.

        • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
          4 years ago

          Damn it was the biggest show on television in 2000 lol and is still going, though yeah its obscure today and I doubt most zoomers have heard of it. Its a competition based reality show about putting people in a remote place, usually an island, with limited supplies for survival and having them vote each other out. I love the social strategy element even though a lot of it is petty drama as well.

          • Jorick [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Oh I see. Well, there's been way worse in terms of reality TV, but I dislike that kind of stuff.

            • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
              4 years ago

              Probably its biggest sin is that its basically the reason the rest of reality TV exists. It wasn't the first Reality TV show in America (or even the first show with that premise internationally) but its huge success caused the huge boom of reality tv. It was like, the Super Mario of reality TV. I stand by the early seasons being legitimately quality television, and the later seasons being mostly dumb fun, but yeah.