• machinegobrrrr [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    What about this photo


        • RedArmor [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Oh fuck. I accidentally hit the austerity button for my own population! Oh well.

                • PowerUser [they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  Series creator Charlie Brooker, who wrote the episode, quickly denied any prior knowledge of the allegations, calling the situation "a complete coincidence, albeit a quite bizarre one."

                  Meanwhile the former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull probably killed his (ex) girlfriends cat in the 80s.

        • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Bro, just become Trotsky and mash the permanent revolution button after purging Stalin and bring about global communism with no war.

      • Veegie2600 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Bruh China doesnt really have expansionist qualities, which is evidence i would need to see in order to classify it as colloqiually Imperialist (even though Lenin's definition is x1000 more useful in today's context).

        Bringing territories such as Hong Kong back into the fold after they were stripped away by western colonial powers is not expansionism, in fact its quite the opposite: it is China starting to say "enough" and pushing back against the Imperial core's neverending bloodthirsty desire to balkanize the PRC and buy up all the SOEs and Coops like hotcakes.

        And border disputes are still extremely common outside of the imperial core, with factors ranging from shitty colonial border partitioning to less resources available to keep track of changes in parts of borders that are based on geographic features like rivers. Its not imperialist just cause military=spooky or whatever lib shite.