I fully understand that AOC is not perfect but she's doing a hell of a lot more than the podcast grifters are.

    • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
      4 years ago

      In the Chapo feed there was a short thing from Amber about a campaign to get unions to support M4A. That seems far more important to building pressure for M4A than ForceTheVote because union endorsements are valuable for all Dems. Presidents, in Congress, at the State Level, etc

    • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I agree with all of this. What I don't understand is how people think the problem is that there isn't enough pressure on the Squad. The pressure needs to be put on Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the neoliberal ghouls who are the largest obstacle to M4A passing in the foreseeable future.

      I am not criticizing the #ForceTheVote people for pressuring elected officials. I am criticizing them because they viciously attack AOC and the Squad when that pressure needs to be placed on the Dem establishment. When Jimmy Dore and co actively talk about how AOC needs to be primaried and how she's worse than Pelosi (both are things Dore has said in the last two days), we need to realize that he's just punching left for attention. If all of the energy put into the Force The Vote grift was put into organized sit-ins in Pelosi's office, it would be a lot more helpful to our struggle. It probably wouldn't get Dore the shock views on his show, however.

      • SerLava [he/him]
        4 years ago

        When Jimmy Dore and co actively talk about how AOC needs to be primaried and how she’s worse than Pelosi (both are things Dore has said in the last two days)

        God what an annoying idiot