Sometimes I'll see bald eagles fly over when fishing in the Rockies. They're very intimidating birds. Biggest thing in the sky, the white is so distinct that you can pick them out from way further away than other birds, they'll sit in trees making stupid noises and be the thing that dominates the lake for the day.
Sometimes I'll see bald eagles fly over when fishing in the Rockies. They're very intimidating birds. Biggest thing in the sky, the white is so distinct that you can pick them out from way further away than other birds, they'll sit in trees making stupid noises and be the thing that dominates the lake for the day.
6/10 national bird 10/10 local apex predator
What's a 10/10 national bird? Andean Condor for Colombia and Cuban Trogon are both neat
Panama's harpy eagle is some 10/10 because it takes the eagle concept to a new level of aesthetic design. Angola's turaco? That's a pokemon. This Belizean treasure gave you joyful breakfast and you don't think he's 10/10. Guatemala has an 11/10 quetzal. I would fuck that bird.
My resplendent boi is absolutely a 11/10 :comrade-birdie: Shoutout to Iran with the nightingale. I love their song