I tuned into NPR for like 20 mins earlier and they also brought up the deficit coincidently
I tuned into NPR for like 20 mins earlier and they also brought up the deficit coincidently
This is why I’m having a hard time watching stuff like Majority Report these days. They fall for this shit hook line and sinker every time and Sam Seder’s response is always “thats stunning!” Any time a caller says the whole thing is bullshit and we’re wasting our time with Democrats, Sam says something like “well I guess I wasted my life then with this show” like, no, you keep learning and adapting, you’re not dead yet Sammy boy.
Sam sucks dick. That whole show is ass. The only good thing was brooks impressions
Sometimes Jamey is cool on there but I like her better on Twitter. She can kinda be inarticulate and speaks really slowly on the show IMO.
I get the impression that Jamie locks up anytime she starts speaking on the show because she's bracing for the moment where Sam shuts her up
Most likely lol. I’ve never listened to antifada tho I’ve intended to
Sam seems incredibly genuine but i think he both suffers from much liberalism and pundit brain. I also think he serves a good purpose/resource to close the lib/radlib gap to leftist, Michael Brooks helped a lot (rip) but Jamie does a pretty awesome job when she can get a few words in. Sam is really smart and I'm definitely not gonna claim "he is hiding his power level" or something lame like that, but I do know he is very aware of who his audience is. He has been doing this for decades and still goes on MSNBC or whatever sometimes and I feel like he wouldn't say too much personally about some topics like who the national debt isn't real, but idk-- i really don't know what he believes actually.