that might be scrappy actually
kinda forgot we need a megathread
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The "Trump's concession is a deepfake" conspiracy is giving me life. I love it. It's like, not impossible, and hilarious if true.
He always looks kinda funky, I can see it
All of the videos he posts of himself on Twitter look like deepfakes tbh. I think it's the lighting and the fact that he's almost certainly in front of a green screen.
He also puts on that flat “I’m only saying this because I have to” teleprompter voice that sounds like a deepfake
Theres something about his shirts/collars too that make his head look floaty and his neckline look weird
He just sounds like a bad simulation when reading from a script, IMO. It does have an uncanny valley feel. He just wants to vibe off script. Also he was probably wacked out on some horse tranquilizers or some weird 80s business guy drug.