Don Jr.? Ivanka? Matt Gaetz? Q Shaman?

  • Not_irony [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It'll be dozens of tiny fractions for a while, and then the true new figure will emerge in a few years. There wasn't a true successor to Obama for the libs, either. Pete, Beto, Harris, Biden, etc, all are a tiny fraction of his following

      • Not_irony [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That was intended by obama and the political class, but she never had his following as a personality cult leader. Not even close

    • PhaseFour [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Also, the faction that gets mass support will be the one which demonstrates itself most capable of addressing their material interests.

      Trump became so popular because he was a negation of globalism, a primary characteristic of capitalist development under neoliberalism. This is seen through his anti-China, anti-trade deal, anti-immigration policies.

      However, it was not a negation of capitalism itself. Therefore, it was ripe for opportunism and reaction.

      The faction supported by the masses must both:

      1. present itself as a real political force.
      2. brand itself as a negation of capitalist development.

      The only pro-capitalist negation left is fascism, explicitly motivated by the Jewish conspiracy. But this is not inevitable. We are historical actors. We can provide them socialism instead.

      There wasn’t a true successor to Obama for the libs, either. Pete, Beto, Harris, Biden, etc, all are a tiny fraction of his following

      I'd include Bernie here, too

      Bernie was the faction that most clearly articulated a path forward. He was a negation of the capitalist influence in bourgeois elections, another characteristic of capitalist development. Therefore, he received the most mass support.

      • Not_irony [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I’d include Bernie here, too

        Good points all around. Yeah, bernie was the best lib, but a lib non the less

  • longhorn617 [any]
    4 years ago

    Who knows. 5 years ago, no one would have said Trump. I think Rubio and probably Cruz are out of the running because I think they aren't viewed as having been sufficiently loyal by Trump supporters. My parents are talking about not supporting Republicans anymore and basically just not voting over what they view as the GOP stabbing him and the movement in the back. Who knows how many will actually follow through with that threat.

    I did say Matt Gaetz was the one I thought might take up the mantle earlier this morning though, so I will stick to that.

  • BigBoopPaul [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Oh holy shit, the dumbest timeline would suggest Alex Jones...

    • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Nah, I think his reputation is too shot for that to happen. And he has nowhere near Trump's celebrity.

    • friedchurros [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Going to second this, or that Lin Wood guy. This is the laziest written timeline.

  • btbt [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The person who runs the Liberty hangout twitter account

      • VHS [he/him]
        4 years ago

        her fiancé(?) runs the account if i remember right. he's probably even further right than her, and of course a huge sexist too

  • DasKarlBarx [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Nobody's said Tucker Carlson? He has the platform, he's clean cut and seen as "respectable", is an absolute fascist who can see which way the wind blows for riling people up (like him calling for a Covid tax on companies raking it in to give to people).

    The only thing I see holding him back is that he makes so much money sitting behind a desk and looking into a camera that he may not want to step into politics when he has such a cushy job.

  • 7DeadlyFetishes [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I've thought alot about this too.

    If it had to be a Trump then Don Jr. fits the bill, he's still trying to own libs but clearly doesn't have the same theatrics as our big wet boy. (I.E "Presentation!") I could easily see this new brand of "kendoll" conservatives also attempting to take the mantle for head of the republican party, IE Gaetz, Cotton, Crenshaw; however they're too memey and for your average conservative. Then the bush republican guard is so wildly out of touch I don't know how they're going to ever gain ground after what has transpired.

    If I had to guestimate how the republicans is going to play out, it's going to look alot like Democratic primary from this year, alot of faces, many flavors with some more radical than the other, but the deciding factor will probably hinge on who Trump decides to stand up for, because that's what Repubs want, the orange one, there's no one like him. I could easily see a meme candidate like Crenshaw and a prude like Cotton both have Trump speak on their behalf at rallies and just say "you like Trump? well Trump likes me, so vote for me!"

    So in reality the fate of the republicans in future elections is on Trump's shoulders, so much that Americans still have Trump fever after a Biden presidency.


    • liutprand [he/him,she/her]
      4 years ago

      Hawley had an entire 30sec campaign ad when he ran for Missouri AG where he made fun of "ladder-climbers," and walked through a bunch of people on ladders. Two years later, he was contracting out the day-to-day tasks of the AG office to his campaign manager while running for Senate. Literally all anyone would have to do is throw that back at him, and he'd melt.