
  • Mallow [any,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Pick a medium to express yourself with. Take inspiration from a bunch of different things you like and make something. You don't have to sit around waiting for a totally new thought that no one ever had before to strike you out of nowhere. Even if you don't feel like your first ideas are creative enough you'll be more likely to think of new things as you work.

  • mysterymeat [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    There are exercises you can do to develop creativity. Off the top of my head there are two I can think of:

    The hats exercises: Review any work you've done using different mentalities or "hats". make a list of the qualities of your work using any or all of the following hats.

    Blue: The deep hat. Everything that has inner meaning, or that expresses inner ideas/feelings/concepts goes into this mindset. Include positive and negative feelings but don't dwell too much on them.
    Red: The passion hat. Everything that sparks that inner fire that's forces you to do the work goes into this mindset. list the things that make you want to work harder or inspire you. (Negatives included) Green: The growth hat. Everything that can be improved or can build up to new things goes in this hat. Look at parts of your works that might haven't worked out as you wanted or feel incomplete and try to view the potential behind them. Only include positive qualities. Pink: The happy hat. Include all the quirky, interesting, funny, unique parts of your works. Only list positive qualities. Yellow: The money hat. Everything in your works that seems profitable, popular, parts that have an "it" factor, stuff that gets you clicks, include parts that are "lucky" that you view to have a good turnout or answer. (only list positive qualities) White: The pure hat. List everything that you feel was good, honest, anything that was completely done for the sake of art. (Don't ever dare to put anything negative in this hat) Black: The negative hat: This is when you go all out on criticism. Everything you hate about your works goes here, destroy your work,roast it. You're allowed to be as negative as you can here. Everything that makes you feel like a failure or bad. (You can add positive aspect but they must be snarky) After you make these lists compare them and check where are your strengths and what can be improved. After that, try creating something with only your weak points or creating something with only your stronger qualities.

    The singles game: Create something with only one instrument,tool or quality. For painting: use only one color or one brush on different surfaces. For writing: A story with only one character type. For music: a song with one chord. For sculpting: Only use a stylus For programming: A command line that does one thing really good. there are infinite ways to play this game, but the main idea is to limit yourself so you can exercise your lateral thinking and create concepts that you can build upon.

    It's easier if you have a group of people to work with and bounce around ideas.

  • drdestroyer9 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    The number one trick is to just start making absolute rubbish, just go in with a mentality of I'm going to mess around and not make anything serious. And as you practice you get better and better and then you can put your new skills towards making things you do care about.

  • hamouy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Get inspired by something. How you do that, now that is the question.

  • warped_fungus [she/her]
    3 years ago

    If you wanna start drawing, start with straight up copying stuff you like. Not with tracing paper but just visually doing your best to replicate art you already like. Just the physical practice of trying to imitate the original artist will help imprint some of the technique into your arm muscles. Don't worry about drawing original subjects until you gain the finer motor control.

  • 90u9y8gb9t86vytv97g [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Find an outlet you can start making things for that will reward you in some way, like posting art to this site or something. The encouragement spurs you on and gets you into the habit of making stuff.

    • Terkrockerfeller [she/her]
      3 years ago

      That's what I kinda wanna do but because of my unique upbringing I'm basically immune to praise/encouragement (and in fact it often has the opposite effect)

  • Phish [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    Well, let's start with the why. Why do you want to be creative? What inspired this desire to create something?

  • Posadist_Moby_Dick [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    I guess the how kinda depends on the medium you want to express with. I kinda doubt a poet can help a painter find their muse you know?

    Maybe the first step is finding the type of art that pulls at your soul and using that sense of a void created by the learning of a previously unknown absence to motivate you to fill it?