Good evening comrades and welcome to your weekly mental health thread. The cheetah is happy to see you. How is everyone doing? Remember that self-care is self-defense. :unity:

  • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Here it aint so good. Lockdown has sapped all motivation from me. I feel lonely, and I feel like I barely have energy to get my usual hobbies and daily tasks done. I feel mentally exhausted without doing much, yet I then get self-critical cause I didnt get enough done

    • deepsavageblue [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I relate hard to this. I got in decent shape this year until August when I just started to have no energy. The exhaustion while doing less is getting to me, I get home from work and don't do anything and then feel guilty because I didn't work on music or read as much as I said I would. I just moved too so I'm super isolated. I try to tell myself it's all temporary but I see friends in other countries doing normal things and I get so mad and sad about how stupid we are in the US.

      • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
        4 years ago

        What really makes the feelings feel worse, is that Im working from home. And yet I cant even get that done. And with the friends in other countries, or even the same country as where I am doing normal things and I get really resentful, cause Im sitting here lonely, and finding it more difficult to reach out, at the same time there is all these fuckers going outside, ignoring restrictions and making sure that this bullshit continues even longer.

        • deepsavageblue [he/him]
          4 years ago

          That's almost word for word what I'm going through too. I waffle on hating Americans and not blaming them for the programming to be doing what they're doing. I think the latter is just to keep myself from being consumed with cynicism and hatred. I'm so tired and overworked and desperately looking for another job because mine has such built in precarity that I can't emotionally handle right now.