Israel, do not threaten our dad Iran and our Islamic Revolution with "Be careful what you wish for" in regards to Pawlestine, you despotic filth.
You and your terrorists be careful, because these pawttacks against Pawlestinian civilians will not go unpawddressed. This "will come back to haunt" YOU, as dictated by law. We pawmise!
Pawffice of Chief of the Pawlitical Bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh
They really couldn't come up with anything better than inserting "paw" into a few words, huh. What the fuck am I doing in this office and how do I get paid to come up with this shit?
Twump, uwu, do not thweaten oww daddy jow biden and oww democwacy wif "Be cawfuw what yew wish fow, uwu" in wegawds to the impeachment awticle, yew despotic fiwth. uwu.
Yew and youw tewwowists be cawwful, because dese pawttacks against evwything amewica howds deaw wiww not go unpawdwessed! Dis "wiww come back to hawnt" YEW, as dictated by waw. We pwawmise uwu!
is this like official from the biden team? or just some absolute fucking loser? also 'pawttacks'?? also it should have been Jone Boneden
The account is official and the post is real.
I haven't stopped laughing for the last half hour.
amazing, im sure somehow as well setting up this insta account has cost like $500k and an unpaid intern has done all the work
Either that or it's a personal passion project of a Biden family member or senior campaign staffer. There is no in between.
I hate dog culture I Hate Dog Culture I HATE DOG CULTURE AAAARHG
I think I just short circuited. I can't generate any kind of emotional response to this... it's all too much.
Also, could they not use one of their 2 remaining braincells to come up with better acronyms or titles? "Dog of the United States"? Fucking really? Is "Dog" a title now?
I don't think so, but I wouldn't put it past me, I do weird shit when I think I'm asleep.
Don't mix Ambien and Adderpawl; the results are pawful.
asking for a great firewal kind of thing but to keep me away from americans online