Moreover, these are overworked essential workers who have been putting their lives on the line during this pandemic. They went into negotiations with a high bargain and ended up not even being able to get A SIMPLE $1 PER HOUR CONCESSION.

These 1400 Hunts Point Market workers represent 60% of the produce in NYC proper, and the fresh produce for another 30 million people in the NYC area. THIS IS THE LARGEST WHOLESALE PRODUCE MARKET ON EARTH!

Edit 1- Current reports are that management has decided to offer them $0.32 an hour in return for ending the strike. Union refuses! It’s really big that management is offering any compensation just one day into the strike.

Edit 2- Hunts Point Market has made the following statement: “Our top priority is maintaining the flow of fresh produce to our region. We have taken a number of steps, including coordinating with the NYPD and bringing in a private security firm, to ensure safe access is maintained... We are disappointed that the union walked away from the bargaining table more than a week ago and have chosen to focus instead on having employees walk off the job, which negatively impacts its members and the community.”

Link to the tweet

  • OptimusPrimeRib [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Meet their demands or Joey "The axe" Spangatoli comes knocking on the bosses door.

    I'm only half way joking by the way. Solidarity from a former and future union pipefitter welder.