Down bear if you are a reactionary

  • CementEscapist [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Americans following it assume he's dead because no celebrity here would ever let that rumor float without offering proof of life. Maybe that's not how P.R. works in China? Honestly don't know.

    I'm assuming he's alive and they forced him into silence simply because killing him feels way too good to be true.

    • Bedulge [he/him]
      3 years ago

      This is not the first time a prominent Chinese businessman has mysteriously "disappeared". In some cases, they reappear months later, arrested by the PRC govt and put on trial.

  • Magjee [any]
    3 years ago

    Can anyone catch me up on whats happening?

  • ufologist [any]
    3 years ago

    Yeah but what about Xi's stance on Lig Ma

  • _else [she/her,they/them]
    3 years ago

    just remember: they allowed him to be a billionaire.

    they killed him for talking shit.

    fuck that awful government. celebrate a dead billionaire.

      • _else [she/her,they/them]
        3 years ago

        celebrate or be shot. we need a win right now. even if its at the hands of a totalitarian state that allowed billionaires to exist.

        • StolenStalin [comrade/them,they/them]
          3 years ago

          well one less exists now. (dead or not his money is freed up)

          Id take getting started over what the fuck we have going on here any day.

          • _else [she/her,they/them]
            3 years ago

            that's true; dead or not, he's no longer a billionaire.

            but please please please can he be dead? or part of a human(or as close as a billionaire can get) centipede?

      • _else [she/her,they/them]
        3 years ago

        me being pale with shitty genocidal ancestors who were definitely slavers doesn't make having billionaires any more compatible with communism. there are legit communist states, in asia even, it's just that china hasn't been one for a very very long time. mao's torch is carried elsewhere, and survives far from its birthplace.

        they do capitalism more competently than some other countries I could mention though.

          • _else [she/her,they/them]
            3 years ago

            they may not (I don't listen to or care what comes out of the public lie-hole of shitty governments when I can help it), but I hear it very often from self described communists, that china is.

  • impartial_fanboy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    In all likelyhood, getting a slap on the wrist? This is the chapo equivalent of when liberals celebrate Kim Jong-Un's death every other month.